TENDENZA hair magazine
Hair magazine - Hairdo magazine - hair fashion periodical

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TREND - Hair Fashion and Beauty TREND - Hair magazine N. 14 2007 Magazine-hair fashion and beauty - TREND is a magazine specializing in Hair Fashion and aesthetic fashion images with high quality. Numerous photographs fashion best hairstylists of the hair and cuts on many new trends of the best hairdressers. Articles extracts: TEMPTATIONS FIVE STARS A DECLARATION OF SILENT FASCINATION? SFOGGIATE A NUANCE RED (BASED ONE OF CANVAS KLIMT) THAT SCENDE INANELLATA LONG'S BACK. DIVING IN THE HEART AND THE GUARANTEED EVEN WITH AN ELEGANT HARVEST. NEW Length THE OSA CHIOMA The INOSABILE. THE MAXI LUNGHEZZE (THANKS ALSO ALL'AIUTO OF EXTENSION) DAMAGE TO LIFE ALSO A INEDITA CODA ANNODATA EFFECT STRIP. THE RESULT IS THE SIMPLE, ELEGANT, REFINED AND BIG IMPACT
hairdo images
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