Gossip & Beautynews ❤️


'Cytokines therapy' gaining momentum for treating Alopecia
By Michelle Yeomans+, 18-Dec-2014
Korean based ‘AesMed’ has developed a hair loss treatment solution based on ‘Cytokines therapy’ to control hair cell activation.
Hair: Leonardo Rizzo @ Sanrizz
Collection: Gravity
Ph: Luis Vidal
Make-up: Lee Pearson
Stylist: Elisa Heinesen
Study discloses development and future attractiveness of different social platforms
The business intelligence service L2 analysed the social investment and performance of brands across Western and APAC social platforms. In addition, L2 discloses the development of the different platforms and which ones will be lucrative channels in the future. L2 surveyed 382 brands and their activity on 17 platforms.
Brands are on an average of 7.5 platforms
On an average a brand resides on 7.5 platforms, as L2 reports. Most brands are present on 6 Platforms and all brands are on Facebook. 96% have an account on Twitter and 94% are registered on YouTube. 90% of the brands represent themselves on Instagram. Google+ and Pinterest with 79% and 75% are slightly behind. According to L2, APAC platforms like Sina Weibo (60%), WeChat (44%), and Youku (40%) are also interesting for international brands.
Brands on Instagram are most active
Burberry, Chanel, and Dior are in the top 20 percent for both followers and absolute engagement across all Western platforms where they are present, as L2 reports. With regard to engagement rate and absolute interactions, the picture and video platform Instagram sets itself apart from Facebook or Twitter. According to L2, the average absolute engagement on Instagram is twice that of Facebook despite being 15% percent of its size.
Chinese networks should not be underrated
In terms of global reach, Western platforms are leading. In Japan and Korea, Facebook has the largest reach, compared to native platforms. The exception is China. In China, where Western platforms are rendered mute, Sina Weibo dominates. The number of brands on mobile social commerce platform WeChat increased 26% in the past year (June 2013 to July 2014), the most of any platform East or West. Instagram follows with a growth of 18%.
According to L2, social commerce as a key word for social media as sales channel is a growing trend. Here an item is linked to a correspondent online shop via a “buy now” button. However, social commerce sales and conversion remain low, as L2 reports.
Not all platforms are steadily lucrative for brands
The brand and user activity on many platforms decreases, as L2 states. In the period from June 2013 to July 2014, 24 brands left Tumblr (-7%). Pinterest decreased 5% and YouTube decreased 2%. The engagement rate on Facebook is decreasing 13% year-over-year, as L2 reports. On Sina Weibo and on Instagram, the rate is -31%. Google+ records an engagement rate of even -98%. Audiences on Google+ brand pages are almost inactive.
Innovative platforms like Snapchat or Vine recorded a rapid growth of users after their launch. But it remains to be seen if the attention from either users or brands persists. Vine already lost 17% of active brand accounts in the period from June 2013 to July 2014.
Source: L2 Intelligence Report Social Platforms
Hair: Kristijan Petek @ ksfh - Slovenia
Collection: Overview
Ph: Peter Marinsek
Make-up: Marco Zagar @ ksfh
Colour: Marco Beltram @ ksfh
Men cuts: A. Podlesnik in C. Spreitzer @ ksfh
Hair: Mark Hayes & The International Creative Team @ Sassoon - UK
Collection: Nu-Pop
Ph: Colin Roy
Make-up: Daniel Koleric
Stylist: Lucie Perrier
Colour: Peter Dawson @ The Sassoon International Creative Team
Avon settles long-standing bribery case with $15m fine
By Simon Pitman+, 18-Dec-2014.
Avon Products confirmed a settle with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to its long-standing litigation concerning overseas business practices.
Hair: James Hair Fashion Club - Italy
Collection: Timeless
Ph: Fulvio Maiani
Make-up: Lorenzo Zavatta
Stylist: Team artistico James
Art Director: James Longagnani
Creative Director: Alessandro Squarza
Coordination: Cristina Vecchi
Digital retouching: ZumStudio

Obtenez plus de densité avec +1 700
cheveux en 3 mois* grâce à la Stemoxydine 5%, la 1ère molécule révélatrice de cheveux.
* étude clinique réalisée avec Denser Hair vs placebo
sur 101 personnes.
Découvrez un cheveu instantanément plus épais, dès la première application, grâce à l’ Intra-Cylane™.
Hair: Jamie Stevens @ Jamie Stevens Hair - UK
Ph: Barry Jeffery
Make-up: Dragon
Stylist: Kate Jeffery
Pesante sanzione per 13 big produttori di detergenti per la casa e prodotti per l'igiene personale accusati di aver costituito un cartello dei prezzi nel periodo 2003-2006.
Articolo tratto da "Italia Oggi" del 24 Dicembre.
Studio, ricerca e moda, in sintesi le parole che meglio descrivono "Tono su Tono Maison", centro di bellezza situato nel cuore di Napoli: è qui che Luigi D'Amore offre vere e proprie lezioni di stile e professionalità, guidato dalla passione e dal desiderio di essere sempre al passo con la moda e le novità del settore.
Vuoi saperne di più?
Gli operatori italiani: “Nessun pregiudizio verso di loro, ma devono osservare la legge e pagare le tasse come noi. Servono controlli a tappeto e chiusure temporanee per chi viene scoperto in fallo, questa è l’unica strada”
Hair: Gaspare Sparacia - Italy
Ph: Pablo Pastro
Make-up: Gino Accardo
"I guardiani del benessere dei capelli", così viene presentata G&P COSMETICS da "Il Sole 24 Ore" in un articolo pubblicato lunedì 22 dicembre. Lo scritto pone i riflettori su questa realtà toscana che da più di 10 anni crea prodotti di bellezza seguendo una filosofia di forte senso etico con un occhio di riguardo alla salute e all'ambiente.
Sono queste le chiavi del successo di G&P Cosmetics di Sansepolcro (Arezzo): la costante ricerca di prodotti di alta qualità in grado di tutelare il consumatore e l'ambiente ma anche la continua ricerca e scambio di nuove idee grazie alla collaborazione con realtà universitarie di prestigio. Questa chiara visione ha portato l'azienda ad una continua crescita, garantendone una presenza commerciale in più di 40 Paesi sia con produzioni conto terzi che con brand propri.
Hair: Michelle Jankovski, Donato Artistic Team
Collection: Jankovski's Men's 14 Collection
Ph: Kint Quon
Hair: Gogen Team - Italy
Collection: Equilibrium
Ph: Alessandro Abei
Make-up: Claudio Ferri
Stylist: Marco Lamberti, Jerry Del Duca, Alessandro Abei, Roberta Damiani
Styling: Italo Marseglia
Artwork: Gianni Russo
Lights: Patrizia Tocci
Technician Color: Salvatore Mancini, Gina Rossi
Photographic Studio: PICXSELStudio
ALESSANDRA CARRER è l' hairstylist alla guida di SALONE ALESSANDRA, stupendo centro di acconciatura ed estetica situato in provincia di Venezia, a San Donà di Piave.
Alessandra si è contraddistinta nel campo della moda attraverso originali creazioni in occasione di molti eventi di portata internazionale.
Affida i tuoi capelli e il tuo corpo a mani esperte e creative.