Gossip & Beautynews ❤️
Come ogni mese anche a Dicembre sono stati nominati i MIGLIORI nelle categorie Azienda, Prodotto, Personaggio e Hairstylists.
Clicca e scopri chi si è aggiudicato questa volta l'ambìto podio !
The hairdressing elite flocked to London’s glamorous Grosvenor Hotel last night to see who would be crowned the best of the best in the annual HJ British Hairdressing Awards, Winners were chosen across the nine regional and six specialist categories before the coveted British Hairdresser of the Year title was revealed.
This year’s nominees, Darren Ambrose, Errol Douglas, Mark Hayes, Gary Hooker & Michael Young, Akin Konizi, Mark Leeson & Jamie Stevens put on a stunning showcase of their nominated collections before Darren Ambrose took home the title.
Midlands Hairdresser of the Year:
Shaun Hall, Mark Leeson, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
North Western Hairdresser of the Year:
Gary Taylor, Edward & Co.Brighouse, West Yorkshire
Northern Ireland Hairdresser of the Year:
Julie Cherry and Collette Fitzpatrick, Shane Bennett Salon, Co. Down
Scottish Hairdresser of the Year:
Caroline Sanderson and Claire McIntyre, Ego Hair Design, Inverness
North Eastern Hairdresser of the Year:
Jill Watkins-Wright, Watkins-Wright Hairdressing, Thirsk, North Yorkshire
Southern Hairdresser of the Year:
Robert Masciave, Metropolis Hairdressing, Kingston-upon-Thames
Wales and South West Hairdresser of the Year:
Martin Crean, Mode, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire
Eastern Hairdresser of the Year:
Callum Standen-May, The Egg, Norwich
London Hairdresser of the Year:
Cos Sakkas, Toni & Guy, Sloane Square
Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year:
Lucie Monbillard, seanhanna, London
Newcomer of the Year:
Sophie Springett, Toni & Guy, South Kensington, London
Men’s Hairdresser of the Year:
Marcus King, Hooker & Young, Wynyard, Billingham
Afro Hairdresser of the Year:
Michelle Thompson, Francesco Group Advanced Academy, Stafford
Artistic Team of the Year:
Shane Bennett Salon, Hillsborough, Co. Down
British Colour Technician of the Year:
Issie Churcher, HOB Salons, Camden, London
British Hairdresser of the Year:
Darren Ambrose
La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia fue el entorno elegido para la celebración de este evento. En el Museo Valencia Príncipe Felipe se impartió una jornada de formación de vanguardia, tendencias y diversión.
Este año, el Redken Weekend se celebró en una de las construcciones de arte moderno más importantes y espectaculares del mundo, vinculándose con las raíces de su propia historia: una marca nacida en el corazón de Nueva York, que aboga por las últimas tendencias, la moda, la ciencia y la tecnología.
Redken Weekend 2015 La jornada se convirtió en un evento singular de la mano de nombres de la peluquería como Ludovic Beckers, Redken Artist Internacional, o los fundadores de Xpresion, quienes impartieron formaciones de business y coaching,. De sobras es sabido que en el negocio de la peluquería no todo reside en un buen corte y color.
The official news came out a few days ago. The US Company Topline specialized in the development, production and marketing of packagings and cosmetics, created nearly thirty years ago in New Jersey by Charles Chang should join the Luxury and Beauty pole of PSB Industries. Topline is the third company to join the portfolio of companies acquired by the PSB Industries Group in the space of twelve months.
I migliori Parrucchieri d'Italia chi sono?
Che sorprese !
Quanti esclusi !
Alcuni Hairstylists sono in caduta libera di immagine oltre che di classifica.
Quelli pubblicati valgono molto di più !
"I Sustain Beauty" è la campagna di DAVINES, nota azienda di Parma produttrice di cosmetici per capelli, che invita ognuno di noi a fare qualcosa per rendere il mondo migliore. Toto Bergamo Rossi, uno dei testimonial della campagna, spiega nel video la sua visione della Bellezza.
![Rock Chick](https://www.gossip.sm/immagini/2015/gossip/varie/banner_280x280_black_animato.gif)
GLOBElife.com è il RE
e dell'Hair Fashion World !
Step by step:
- 1. Create two sections. The back section goes from ear to ear, and split the front section in two with a centre parting.
- 2. Comb and elevate the hair at 90 degrees to the head shape and blunt-cut, following the curve of the head.
- 3. Repeat on the front section.
- 4. Dry the hair, then point-cut to remove weight and add texture.
- Take a round section at the very top of the head and clip out the way.
- 6. Apply forumla A to the roots. then take down to mid-lenghts and ends.
- 7. Apply formula B to the round section, from roots down the mid-lenghts to ends.
- 8. Leave do develop, rinse and condition.
- 9.Spray BC Oil Miracle Mist throughout towel-dried hair.
- 10. Dry smooth with a styling brush.
- 11. Smooth with irons, creating a slight bevel at the ends of the hair.
- 12. Take a small amount of moulding paste, rub between palms and work through the hair to create a tousled finish.
Hair: Damien Carney and Rossa Jurenas
Make-up: Loni Baur
Styling: Lucy Manning
Photo: Simon Emmett
77 dollari ad Oslo (Norvegia), 4,5 a Giacarta (Indonesia) sono i costi di un taglio di capelli registrati da un'indagine svolta in giro per il mondo dal "Business Insider". Milano è in 22sima posizione con circa 24 dollari a taglio, Roma in 31esima con poco più di 17 dollari. La classifica ordina il servizio solamente per prezzo, certo poi la qualità meriterebbe una classifica a parte.
Miss World was the theme when the team from Spirit Hair Company gathered at their Oxfordshire-based salon to compete in their annual inter-salon competition. Hosted by salon owners Lauren Turner and Mikaela Martin, the judging panel employed their skills to find the overall winners of both the junior and senior shows.
Los adolescentes estadounidenses prefieren las marcas más pequeñas e independientes, en lo que a cosmética se refiere. Las grandes firmas ceden espacio a otras de menores dimensiones que no dependen de grandes multinacionales. Unas preferencias de consumo que dejan al descubierto la nueva filosofía de los jóvenes. En Estados Unidos, los teenagers se vuelven individualistas y tienen menos conciencia de grupo. Así se desprende de la encuesta bianual del consumo, elaborada por Piper Jaffray. El estudio entrevista a 9.400 adolescentes de Estados Unidos.
Cosméticos personalizados Además, y según la investigación, los jóvenes ya no acuden a los grandes almacenes sino que prefieren los puntos de venta especializados. Se despiden así del fast fashion. Es decir, aquella tendencia que introducía colecciones actuales aunque fabricadas de forma rápida y económica. El fast fashion ofrecía al consumidor de poder adquisitivo medio la posibilidad de adquirir lo último en moda a precios muy asequibles.
Los productos uniformes y poco personalizados están demodé. Los nuevos consumidores prefieren los artículos especializados, casi a medida, especialmente en moda y cosmética. Aunque para ello deban pagar más. Y lo mismo sucede con los puntos de venta. La diferenciación es un buen reclamo de compra. Las empresas, grandes y pequeñas, deberían tomar nota de los cambios sociales que se producen. De lo contrario, corren el riesgo de estancarse y perder cuota de mercado. Algo que ninguna compañía se puede permitir en un mundo cambiante como el actual.
L'idea è venuta ad uno dei bar centrali di via Cornigliano, a Genova che, insieme ad un salone parrucchieri della vicina via Gessi hanno deciso di organizzare una serata che unisse il piacere di un aperitivo con gli amici a quello di una seduta di "Hair&Beauty". Tra drink e buffet i ragazzi hanno potuto provare creme e gel. L'iniziativa ha avuto talmente successo che già si pianifica la sua seconda "edizione".
The globally renowned Allilon Education team has just returned from a fortnight in South Africa, where they have been delivering their sought after Barbering course to local hairdressers looking to take their skills to the next level.
The recent journey took Allilon Educator, Jonathan Corby, to the Carlton Hair Academy in Johannesburg to teach students the art of Barbering.
This popular course is a must-attend for hairdressers looking to gain in-depth knowledge in the world of barbering. Designed to build confidence and understanding in men’s hair cutting, students explore suitability with regards to head and face shapes, understanding choice of length and styles, corner placements, dealing with difficult growth patterns, working with hairlines, scissor/clipper over comb, freehand and refining.
The two-week course included lectures, hands-on informative workshops and demonstrations by Jonathan Corby who has 12 years of experience in gent’s hair styling.
Si è tenuto ieri a Roma, presso il "The Church Palace Hotel", la seconda edizione del Premio PASSION MEETS FASHION, all'interno del 53simo Congresso Nazionale di Intercoiffure Italia.
L'evento, organizzato dal Presidente di Intercoiffure Italia Carlo Alberto Rossi, è iniziato con il commovente omaggio di Fiordaliso alla Francia con "Je ne regrette rien" di Edith Piaf. Il Concorso ha premiato le eccellenze della moda, design, hairstyling, giornalismo, cinema e musica.
ICD-Intercoiffure è un'associazione di fama mondiale di professionisti dell'Hairstyle, nata del 1925 grazie alcuni dei più noti parrucchieri inglesi, svizzeri e tedeschi e poi allargatasi ai 5 continenti. Oggi ICD conta 2800 saloni associati e vede la partecipazione di alcuni dei migliori stilisti internazionali del settore Hair (Klaus Peter Ochs, Luis Llongueras, Vidal Sassoon etc.)
Tutta la vostra pubblicità è sul web? Pensate di essere innovativi? State sbagliando tutto.
Lo dimostra AMAZON, il colosso statunitense specialista del commercio elettronico e proprietario del Washington Post (il più antico quotidiano della capitale USA), che per Natale ha scelto di spedire nelle case degli italiani mini-cataloghi di 12 pagine dedicati al Natale.
E non è la prima volta che il gigante del web sceglie la carta per la propria pubblicità: a settembre "Amazon Fashion" era infatti su alcuni dei principali magazine femminili di moda.
Il messaggio è chiaro: la pubblicità più efficace è ancora su carta stampata.
Some weeks ago Richard Ashforth presented his fourth London NOISE event in East London. With a line-up including Tim Hartley, Brooks & Brooks and Peter Gray, as well as Richard’s very own SACO, the pop-up style event was as exciting and underground as ever!
The uber cool St John at Hackney opened its doors to the 500 strong crowd, where an inspirational line up of hairdressing talent was waiting to entertain and excite.
Compered by International Creative Director of SACO and founder of NOISE, Richard Ashforth, the rules of NOISE are simple: “15 minutes of whatever the F*@k you want, as long as it includes some hair!”
The event got underway with Peter Gray and his team taking to the stage, surprising everyone by revealing their model at the end as 87 year old Daphne Selfe, the world's oldest model! Brooks & Brooks were up next showcasing their beautiful avant garde work, followed by the legendary Tim Hartley who, even without saying a word, conveyed his usual humour and flair to the awestruck crowd.
Hot on Tim's heels were "the young pretenders" Allilon Education, bringing with them fresh energy and cool colour work, followed by Xavi Garcia's sharp cuts and iridescent colour. X-presion then took to the stage, recreating their incredible pixilated colour technique which "broke the Internet" with #xpresionpixel.
Following on from their appearance at NOISE Shanghai, Debut Academy presented their striking models featuring strong shapes and graphic colour, before SACO stormed the stage for the finale of the show. It true SACO style, the creative team worked on their models with trademark showmanship, clipper-cutting their model’s wigs to produce sharp cuts with exaggerated volume.
Of the event, Richard said: “NOISE was created to share knowledge, passion and inspiration. It connects the viewer to the performer with more of a ‘pop up’ feel rather than a formally staged show, pushing the industry forward and taking creativity to a new level. The last minute announcements of artists and venue give the whole thing an ‘unexpected feel’, as much for the audience as for the artists!”
Ssh! Australia 2015 took place on Sunday 15th November, inspiring and captivating the imagination of over 400 attendees from around Australia.
The teams, and our audience, also stood in solidarity, praying for Paris and uniting in the spirit of the occasion – One Platform. One Voice. One Community.
Led by Australian Hairdresser of the Year Alumni and legends of the global industry, Emiliano Vitale and Benni Tognini, the talented teams also comprised iconic, award-winning celebrity stylists Brad Ngata and Caterina Di Biase, along with Scotland's India & Jason Miller (Charlie Miller Hairdressing) and the UK's Dove Palmer & Faye Turner (Mazella & Palmer), and the globally revered Spanish trio of X-Presion.
Cosmoprof Asia celebrated its 20th anniversary from 11 to 13 November at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre with record visitor and exhibitor numbers.
63,241 visitors from 119 countries attended the event (5.5% increase on last year), of which 40,761 came from foreign countries (up 7% compared to 2014). The exhibition hosted 2,504 exhibiting companies from 46 countries which is an increase of 6% compared to last year, with an exhibition area of more than 84,000 sqm, a 3% expansion compared to last edition.
The international appeal of the show has been represented by the presence of 22 country pavilions.
New exhibition areas and high-quality educational sessions offered to professional visitors the opportunity to analyze the new market trends, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
Torna il docu-reality “Bella più di prima”, prodotto e ideato da DueB Produzioni di Luna Berlusconi per La5, il canale tematico free al femminile del gruppo Mediaset. Anche la terza edizione vedrà protagoniste donne vere che, superate difficoltà e momenti critici, si rimetteranno in gioco partendo dalla cura della propria persona. Al centro del programma - in onda dal 26 ottobre ogni lunedì, alle ore 23.00, per otto appuntamenti - un delicato percorso, che andrà a scavare nel privato delle prescelte.
In Italia il canale delle vendite dirette nel settore cosmetici, con una crescita di quasi tre punti percentuali nel 2014, si attesta come la nuova forza distributiva in questi anni a cavallo della crisi. Le caratteristiche della vendita a domicilio si sposano perfettamente con le esigenze della clientela dei prodotti cosmetici: a fare la differenza è la possibilità di avere una dimostrazione personalizzata e di testare i prodotti.