Gossip & Beautynews ❤️


Grande attesa per lo Show dell'italiano
che presenterà le tendenze 2025/2026
in occasione del GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM OMC,
l'evento che coinvolge i migliori educatori del mondo.
Due giorni di Master Class e Cocktail Party per imparare le tecniche dai professionisti, fare networking con l’HAIRFASHIONIST e celebrare la passione per questa splendida professione.
Questo simposio è l'opportunità ideale per i formatori di padroneggiare le ultime innovazioni e tecniche, così da ottenere successo nelle dimostrazioni e realizzare il sogno di diventare
Campioni del Mondo OMC a OMC HAIRWORLD 2025 a Parigi.

Salvatore Mazzotta, esperto internazionale e Direttore Moda Nazionale UAAMI,
è recentemente diventato HAIR FASHIONIST.
Nel 2024 ha partecipato alla Pedana di Parigi ai Campionati del Mondo
ed è ambassador di Balmain luxury brand.
Con il suo salone, nel centro di Milano, unisce tradizione e innovazione,
scegliendo tecniche personalizzate per ogni cliente,
evitando l'omologazione e creando look unici.
Tra i suoi clienti ci sono nobili, imprenditori, finanzieri, modelle, personaggi dello spettacolo, etc.

Via Rovello 1, Milano (MI)
Tel. 02 86462756
The latest hair collection, called "Highland Fling" made by David Corbett international hairstylist from United Kingdom.
“I was inspired by the designer Vivienne Westwood and her love of tartan which features so heavily across all her designs.”
-David Corbett, Scottish Hairdresser of the Year 2024

Hair: David Corbett - UK
Ph: Michael Young
Make-up: Maddie Austin
Stylist: Clare Frith
The latest hair collection, called "Serendipity" made by Sharon Malcolm international hairstylist from United Kingdom.
“A sexy, edgy, tousled hairstyle that's beautifully undone. It's bang on trend and so desirable and epitomises effortless chic. It's current, it's simply Serendipity.”
-Sharon Malcolm

Hair: Sharon Malcolm - UK
Ph: Jack Eames
Make-up:Maddie Austin
Stylist: Magdalena Jacobs
The latest hair collection, from ALTERNA "BOND REPAIR" made by Serena Radaelli international hairstylist from United Kingdom.

Hair: Serena Radaelli - UK
Ph: Sarah Silver
Make-up: Andie Byrne
Stylist: Elise Wilson
The latest hair collection, called “Spectra”, made by Gary Hooker & Micheal Young international hairstylists from United Kingdom.
Challenging the conventional norms, Spectra amplifi es self-expression throughjuxtaposed colour placement within each image. Using hair as a statementpiece, each portrait uses individual hues to defy expectations through thedaring beauty of maximalism.

Hair: Gary Hooker & Michael Young - UK
Photography: Michael Young
Make Up: Maddie Austin
Styling: Clare Frith
The latest hair collection, called “Gothic Punk”, made by “Matjaž Cej” international hairstylist from Slovenia.
During the post-punk period, Gothic arose England as a subculture, and was inspired mainly by the literature of the 19th century. But there is a wide range of areas, such as music, clothing style and aesthetics, so that the way can be called a whole lifestyle. An unusual mixture of Victorian style mixed with a punk look, where black dominates, imbued with various metal accessories. The cutting and dyeing technique is reflected in the brilliance of clean shapes, which are geometric, elegant and unusually dark at the same time.

Hair: Matjaž Cej -SLO
Ph: Jernej Humar
Make-up: Cassie Kagen
The latest hair collection called "Reimagined", made by Ann Marie Young international hairstylist from New Zeland.
"My collection reimagines folkloric characters – Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, and Rumpelstiltskin – as grown up and contemporary. Each character has their own flair and flavour. Cinderella is the ultimate princess, whimsical and majestic. Rapunzel is dramatic, ethereal and surreal. Rumpelstiltskin, presented in feminine form, is golden, dynamic and spirited. Snow White is beautiful and intrinsically bound with nature. Red Riding Hood is tenacious and strong. Sleeping Beauty is dreamy."
- Ann Marie Young

Hair: Ann Marie Young - NZ
Photographer and styling: Fiona Quinn
Makeup: Chanelle Aldridge
La nueva colección llamada "La Femme Collection", creada por el estilista internacional Juan Luis Soria Gomez de España.
Pocas ciudades reúnen más tendencias por metro cuadrado que Madrid. La capital de España, con solo decir su nombre a cualquiera le viene a su cabeza, sus plazas, sus calles, sus edificios, Madrid está plagada de cultura. El diseño, la moda, la elegancia y el olfato para generar tendencias hacen de Madrid Capital de Moda Dousse referente a nivel nacional e internacional de coloración para el cabello se une con LA MAISON MESA reconocida marca de costura a medida con más de 30 años dedicada al diseño y estilismo de moda para realizar MADRID LA FEMME.

Hair: Juan Luis Soria Gomez - ES
Styling: Maison Roca, Lourdes Fernández
Ph: Martín de Brito
La nueva colección llamada "Kotton", creada por el estilista internacional Javier Ventoso de España.
"Kotton" es una colección inspirada en la pureza y suavidad del algodón, capturando la esencia delicada y refrescante de este material natural en cada peinado y maquillaje. Con una paleta de colores suaves y acogedores que va desde lilas etéreos y morados hasta rosas pálidos y cobres cálidos, esta colección te invita a sumergirte en un oasis de tranquilidad y serenidad.

La inspiración detrás de "Kotton" radica en la búsqueda de la belleza en su forma más pura y suave, donde la armonía entre tonos suaves y materiales naturales crea una experiencia sensorial única y reconfortante. Es una invitación a abrazar la suavidad y calidez del algodón y celebrar la belleza en todas sus formas y matices.

Hair and Styling: Javier Ventoso
Ph: Esteban roca
Make-up: Bea torres
The latest hair collection, called “Metal Evolution”, made by Carlos Buendia international hairstylist from Spain.

Hair: Carlos Buendia
Ph: Sergi Zafrilla
Make-up: Isabel Sanchez
The latest hair collection, called “Fe(Male) Magenta Multiverse”, made by Krisztina Keresztes international hairstylist From United Romania. This collection carefully mixes models of different cultures and ethnicities.
These are united under one powerful guideline for 2023 – Viva Magenta, the Pantone Colour of the Year. An unconventional shade for unconventional times. The Magenta Multiverse by Krisztina Keresztes shows a harmonious dynamic between artificial intelligence and human creativity.
The self-expression of each character perfectly projects balanced tones that evoke and make us travel through the multidimensional world of physical and virtual reality. No matter where we come from, we all hope for a positive future bond between humankind and technology.

Hair: Krisztina Keresztes
Eleganza. Stile. Maestria.
Metodo. Precisione.


The latest hair collection, called “UNCUT”, made by HOB Academy international hairstylist From United Kingdom.
“Taking inspiration from the catwalks, editorials and the street, UNCUT is an accumulation of strong haircuts encompassing the HOB team's philosophy. HOB's dedication to craftsmanship; working with an array of fundamental techniques with a creative edge, each model's look is unique and bespoke whilst incorporating the HOB signature style. UNCUT is about taking conceptual cutting and colouring techniques and bringing them to life in a modern and wearable way.”
Akin Konizi

Hair: HOB Academy
Ph: Darrell Chandler
Make-up: Shay Suban, Tia Clement
Stylist: Edmond Karasony
The latest hair collection, called “Beat and Structure”, made by “Dominik Podwika” international hairstylist.
The "Beat and Structure" collection by Podwika Studio is an innovative fusion of techno music and the art of hairstyling. Inspired by the origins of techno music in 1980s Detroit, this collection features structured yet lightweight cuts, with color contrasts that emphasize the dynamism of the hairstyles.

Hair: Dominik Podwika
Ph: Sonia Kumidaj
Make-up: Aleksandra Guła

Grazie alla sua grande esperienza, maestria e creatività, ha ottenuto il prestigioso titolo di

Nel 1951, Benito Falconieri rivoluzionò la barberia in Via Rovello a Milano, attirando clienti prestigiosi grazie a un salone innovativo. Questo negozio è diventato un punto di riferimento per la mondanità cittadina e per almeno due generazioni di artisti del Piccolo Teatro.
Oggi, Salvatore Mazzotta, genero di Benito e al suo fianco dal 1979, insieme alla moglie Patrizia Falconieri, continua la tradizione con uno stile che unisce passato e presente.
Salvatore, oltre a essere parrucchiere per uomo e donna, è anche stilista d'immagine. In qualità di Direttore Moda Nazionale e formatore UAAMI, vanta un'esperienza internazionale e ha partecipato a eventi come la Pedana di Parigi 2024 e il Global Symposium di Milano 2025 e collabora attivamente con il brand di lusso Balmain. Salvatore è sempre presente anche alla Milano Fashion Week.

Via Rovello 1, Milano (MI)
Tel. 02 86462756
"Login" est une vision de l’univers masculin pour ce printemps/été 2024, la vision
originale de Jérôme Fendt.
Un mot de passe: la confiance. Et, Jérôme se livre comme rarement et nous ouvre une
porte inédite de sa personnalité. Celle-ci se décline en différents looks autour d’un sentiment : la SENSIBILITÉ.
En effet, d’une nature simple mais exigeante dans la simplicité, un tempérament rêveur
teinté de nostalgie, Jérôme, nous emmène au coeur de cette sensibilité qui le caractérise
et l’inspire. Ainsi, il nous fait découvrir cette collection à travers laquelle il voit l’homme
dans un esprit Grunge soft. Un homme qui évolue au gré de son humeur et qui peut
changer son look 2 à 3 fois durant une même journée.

A travers différents visuels, Jérome nous offre des looks intemporels et évolutifs.
L’univers de ses looks reflète parfaitement une partie de ce qu'il maîtrise : cheveux
texturés, cheveux blonds, variation des longueurs des coupes.
Jérôme va à l’essentiel et se débarrasse du superflu. La simplicité visuelle est le maîtremot.
Elle se retrouve également dans le lieu qui sert de support à ces photographies. Une
chapelle désaffectée qui marie le côté brut et historique de ses murs avec la subtilité d’une
lumière unique et chaleureuse mais aussi la mélancolie des événements qui ont pu s’y
dérouler dans le passé.
L’espace d’un instant, le temps d’une connexion, les silhouettes dansantes des modèles
devant l’objectif font revivre ce lieu et vous ouvre une partie de l’univers de Jérôme.

Hair: Jérôme Fendt
Ph: Gael Lesure
Make-up: Cyrielle Thiebaut
Styling: Deborah Rivera pour Galerie lafayette
Latest Collection release from Shogo Fabric Salon in Japan shows multi layered textures in
highly colourful ‘Floral’ inspired images which were shot in London at The Loft studios over
two days of frantic activity by the team and blend the cultures of Japan and London.

The Inspiration behind the “Floral Collection": “After pandemic Covid-19’s My idea andmood for hair creation goes away from dark things, people and fashion should go
brighter and vibrant...”

Hair: Shogo Ideguchi
Ph: John Rawson
Post Production: Hume Retouch
Make-up: Lan Grealis
Styling: Jamie Russell
Main Sponsor
Siamo lieti di presentarti la seconda edizione di Hair Concept, l’evento per barbieri più atteso d’Italia, che promette di trasformare il tuo approccio all’hair styling e all’imprenditorialità.

Ospiti d’eccezione, tra cui affermati professionisti internazionali provenienti da Italia, Spagna e Argentina, saliranno sul palco di Hair Concept per condividere le loro competenze attraverso dimostrazioni teoriche, pratiche, imprenditoriali e di marketing.

Data: 9 Febbraio
Durata: 14:00 – 18:30
Luogo: EcoTeatro di Milano – Via Fezzan 11
Molto più di un evento:
sarà la tua Rivoluzione professionale
1 Formazione tecnica all’avanguardia
2 Parrucchieri che vogliono eccellere
3 Networking con i top player del settore
4 Ispirazione creativa per distinguerti dalla concorrenza

Via Caduti del Lavoro, 22
25046, Cazzago San Martino, Brescia
Journey through time with Jason Hall’s new men's hair collection. A captivating tribute to the evolution of style from the 60s to the 90s.
Inspired by the resilience, rebellion, and revolutions of each era, Jason has crafted a visual narrative that celebrates the iconic hairstyles that shaped generations. From the suave sophistication of the 60s to the free-spirited vibes of the 70s, the bold experimentation of the 80s, and the effortless cool of the 90s, this collection is a homage to the enduring influence of men's fashion on the cultural tapestry.
Embrace the spirit of each decade, where hair becomes a canvas for self-expression and a reflection of the times. Jason's journey in the world of hairstyling has always been harmonised with the rhythm of his musical inspirations, echoing from the melodies of his childhood to the beats of adulthood.

Hair: Jason Hall
Ph: Desmond Murray
Make-up: Kirsten Baillie
Styling: Jason Hall
To mark 45 years in business and to honour Janet Maitlands’s impact on the hairdressing community, we have created this new collection titled, Legacy. It’s a celebration of Janet’s career and achievements in her hairdressing journey showcasing a modern twist on classic hairstyles that embodies the essence of beauty and sophistication.

Hair: Janet Maitland Hair Excellence Artistic Team - UK
Ph: Michael Young
Make-up: Kirsten Baillie