Gossip & Beautynews ❤️
![Xavier Arcarons International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/XavierArcarons_02-427x640.jpg)
From the Latin "Eurythmia", the Spanish word euritmia defines the act of moving harmoniously in search of beauty. Besides, the movement also refers to a state of mind, an emotion that overflows despite its false stillness.
Ph: Esteban Roca
Make-up: Nacho Sanz
Stylist: Visori FashionArt
![Chrystofer Benson International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ChrystoferBenson_01-427x640.jpg)
This collection was inspired by the bright and dark contrasts of embers and dying flames of natural fire. Glowing reds and oranges sit over or break through dark colours, make-up and styling to reflect the flames combining with charred wood and coal. The shapes and textures of the hair help define the various looks and types of fire.
Ph: John Rawson
Make Up: Danielle Donahue
Stylist: Hannah Leigh
PARLUX con questo nuovo VIDEO presenta due prodotti eccezionali: PARLUX Phon Alyon e Diffusore Magic Sense
PARLUX, qualificato marchio, sinonimo di asciugacapelli professionali di elevate qualita', distribuito in oltre 60 paesi al mondo, presenta il phon Parlux Alyon ® nel nuovo colore di quest'anno “Blu notte” ed il rivoluzionario diffusore universale Parlux MagicSense® (Patent Pending & Registered model) che insieme permettono di effettuare l’asciugatura dei ricci e le acconciature “senza spettinare”.
ALYON e MAGIC SENSE sono stati progettati (con un design moderno ed elegante) per agevolare il lavoro del parrucchiere, creando una perfetta sinergia per permettere di ottenere asciugature e ricci naturali in minor tempo, asciugando rapidamente le radici del capello senza seccare le punte e riducendo quindi l’effetto crespo.
+39 0248402600 | Via Goldoni 12
20090 | Trezzano sul Naviglio (Milano) | Italy
![Let Lew International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/LetLew_02-427x640.jpg)
Find put the latest hair collection, called “ 201920”, made by “ Let Lew ” international hairstylist from UK
Ph: Richard Miles
Make-up: Zoe Cornwell
Stylist:Amy Still
![Le Figaro Team International Hairstylists](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/LeFigaroTeam_01-427x640.jpg)
In uncertain times, where the innate and the acquired have become memories, where futility has become essential, where coexistence is a risk as an individual and as a society… Therefore, in this new collection, "Le Figaro", served us as a source of inspiration, the mythological bird of all beliefs … "Fénix".
Ph: André Pires Santos
Hair: Le Figaro Team (Luis Ramos, Lurdes Ramos e Gianni Bach)
By Paul Mitchell
Make up: Gianni Bach
Stylist: Gianni Bach
Accessories: Gianni Bach
Model: Kárita Isabella,Beatriz, Cláudia Fernandes e Dinis Ramos
Art Director: Gianni Bach
Indagine congiunturale di COSMETICA ITALIA : le proiezioni di chiusura anno prevedono un calo del fatturato del -11,6%
Milano, 29 settembre 2020 – L’Indagine congiunturale presentata oggi dal Centro Studi di Cosmetica Italia delinea un panorama diverso dalla rilevazione pre-Covid e offre un’analisi delle principali ripercussioni che l’emergenza sanitaria ha avuto sul settore cosmetico.
Il 2020 era infatti iniziato con una sostanziale tenuta degli indicatori economici, situazione completamente ridefinita dal lockdown e dalla rimodulazione delle dinamiche di mercato.
Decisiva la resilienza del settore e la capacità di reazione delle aziende che interpretano i cambiamenti in atto nelle abitudini di acquisto e nei canali.
A fine anno si stima che il fatturato globale del settore cosmetico registrerà una contrazione dell’11,6% per un valore di 10,5 miliardi di euro; a condizionare questo risultato è il mercato interno (-9,3%), ma soprattutto l’export che segna un calo del -15%.
Le previsioni di chiusura anno per l’acconciatura professionale indicano un -29%, per l’estetica si stima un -28,3%, mentre la profumeria si vedrà ulteriormente indebolita con un -24% rispetto al 2019.
L'E-Commerce è il solo canale a registrare una crescita stimata del +35% per fine anno, dovuto all'andamento positivo degli ultimi mesi, rivelando notevoli novità sulle abitudini di consumo.
![Cos Sakkas, TONI&GUY International Hairstylists](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/CosSakkasTONIGUY_01-427x640.jpg)
" I wanted to create a collection of front covers for editorial fashion magazines; each image is a limited-edition front cover. Identity represents the style of a dynamic, adventurous woman and evokes a feeling of freedom and experimentation, where power tailoring collides with the unmistakable feminine form, to create a collection of images that are confident yet beautiful and allows you to embrace whoever you choose to be "
Ph: Jack Eames
Make-up: Lan Nguyen-Grealis
Stylist Veronica Greenhill
Federico Fashion Style invitato al programma TV di Barbara D’Urso (Canale 5), ha discusso dei suoi saloni da parrucchiere e dei suoi prezzi shock, ripetutamente finiti sotto accusa ed ora anche denunciati dallo stesso Codacons. Nello studio televisivo, il "parrucchiere delle star" ha ritrovato una sua vecchia amica: Antonella Mosetti. I due, un tempo molto amici, oggi non si parlano più. Ma qual è il motivo di questa rottura ?
Mentre Federico Fashion Style accusa Antonella Mosetti per non aver pagato un servizio del suo salone, la showgirl accusa l’haistylist di non averla mai ringraziata per averlo aiutato ad entrare nel mondo dello spettacolo televisivo. La Mosetti avrebbe addirittura bloccato Federico su WhatsApp.
I due riusciranno a fare pace o la loro amicizia è ormai tramontata per sempre? Magari prima o poi riusciranno a chiarirsi ...
![Jonathan Turner International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/JonathanTurner_05-427x640.jpg)
Find put the latest hair collection, called “ Face ”, made by “ Jonathan Turner ” international hairstylist from UK
Ph: Michael Young
Make-up: Kirsten Baillie
Stylist: Clare Frith
![Chrystofer Benson International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Chrystofer-Benson_02-427x640.jpg)
This collection pays homage to the 1960's pop culture. Panels of bold, bright colour and geometrical shapes together with strong contrasting colours and patterned styling rekindles the vibrancy and excitement of the pop art era.
Ph: John Rawson
Make Up: Danielle Donahue
Stylist: Hannah Leigh
ENVIE VEGAN GREEN HAIR COLOR è la colorazione permanente in crema senza Ammoniaca, senza Mea, senza PPD, senza Resorcina, senza Nichel. Non aggressiva, è in grado di coprire i capelli bianchi, tonalizzare e schiarire fino a 2,5 toni. Assicura riflessi lucidi e ottima profumazione naturale di salvia e lavanda.
Cuticlex, Cheratina Vegetale e Acido Sebacico che proteggono e rinforzano il capello; Plex System, sistema di alta protezione dello stelo e della cute; Burro di Murumuru fortemente idratante e lucidante; oltre il 60% di prodotto naturale demineralizzato.
disponibile in 66 colori, divisi nelle serie: NATURALI – FREDDI – DORATI – ROSSI – RAMATI – MARRONI CALDI – SPECIALI – BOOSTER.
Via Germania 2 | 20019 | Vigano di Gaggiano (Milano)
Tel. +39 02 48912912
Richiedi Maggiori informazioni: info@globelife.com
![Felicitas Ordás International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FelicitasOrdás_05-427x640.jpg)
This collection is an exercise of freedom, it’s following the footsteps of one's own principles, those that arise away from limitations and labels and that are the result of a different way of living.
Ph: Esteban Roca
Make-up: Kuki Giménez
Styling: Visori Fashionart
Models: Zoa, Miriam, Sandra, Margo,
Bianca y Elliot
![Bruno Marc at Marc Antoni International Hairstylists](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/BrunoMarcatMarcAntoni-_01-427x640.jpg)
The inspiration for this collection was to create a collection that teamed strong graphic shapes with beautiful, bold colours. The collection is all about strong women, confidence and pushing the boundaries in colour, cutting and styling.
Ph: Jamie Blanchard
Make - up: Katie Moore
Stylist: Bernard Connolly
SAVE THE DATE: October 11th 4.00 pm
![Beauty Underground International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/BeautyUnderground_02-427x640.jpg)
Inspired by London’s New Romantics and the legendary Benneton campaigns of the 1980s, Libertines sees hair coloured using bright monochromic hues (a fresh take on the vivid craze) and styled in Beauty Underground’s signature look of multiple textures and editorial styling. The make-up takes inspiration from Adam Ant but pushes the idea further with asymmetric colours and shapes.
Ph: John Rawson
Make-Up/Stylist: BU Make-up
Stylist: Mona Lucero
![Anna Barroca International Hairstylist](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AnnaBarroca_04-1-427x640.jpg)
Tones that make you look; tones that make you stare. Their daring colours and bold cuts make these styles stand out from the crowd. This collection demonstrates that even the fiercest of cuts can still be feminine by using vibrant colours to offset the harshness. For those who want to be more than just a number, for those who want to be unique!
Ph David Arnal
Make - up: Wilder Rodríguez
Stylist: Aaron Gil
NOTIZIE SPONSORIZZATE: Vi siete mai accorti che pur investendo la stessa cifra indirizzata allo stesso gruppo di persone, ogni volta il post viene inviato a numeri molto diversi di destinatari?
![Le TRUFFE ❤️ di FACEBOOK?!](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ladro-fb.jpg)
Vi siete mai chiesti qual è l'algoritmo di questo famigerato sistema di Facebook che con le stesse cifre, da servizi ogni volta molto diversi?
Perchè vi coinvolge la prima volta, ma per le successive SPONSORIZZAZIONI vi da sempre meno, meno, meno... ! ! !
Ma è una pratica commerciale regolare
secondo voi?!
Scrivete i vostri commenti.
![Eric Sammartano & Laurent Legal International Hairstylists](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/EricSAMMARTANOLaurentLEGAL_03-427x640.jpg)
Collection de coiffures - de mariées. Un véritable Hymne à l’Amour aux travers des époques et des mythes.
Hairstyling : Eric SAMMARTANO & Laurent LEGAL
Ph: Daniel PISTER
At the start of 2020, no one could have predicted what was to come. With rumblings of a new virus in Asia at the end of last year, it wasn’t until February until cases started to appear in Europe.
![TOni&Guy LondonFashionWeek](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Toniguy-london-fashion-week.jpg)
By the beginning of March, the World Health Organisation declared Covid-19 a pandemic and by the end of the month, the whole world had closed down. For global companies such as TONI&GUY, the shutdown of the world’s economies brought challenges never seen before. “TONI&GUY is 57 years old and we have survived and thrived through recessions, but this was completely different. It has brought challenges we have never experienced and forced us to look at the business in a way that was unprecedented,” explains global creative director, Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck.
CEO Nigel Darwin joined the company at the start of 2019 and says initially it wasn’t clear how big Coronavirus was going to be. “We’ve had instances in Asia with Sars and Mers before, but once things began to grow in Italy, it became clear this wasn’t like anything we had seen before.
“Normal ways of working were no longer appropriate; we had to change our leadership and communication. Our focus is usually planning three or five years ahead; this changed to focusing on the tomorrow. Our number one concern was our communication with our teams, their mental and emotional health.”
Sacha, who worked closely with father and founder Toni Mascolo from the age of 17, used her knowledge to analyse the business and bring the community together. “While it was a scary time, it was also exciting,” she says. “We immediately set up groups and zoom calls with our partners and teams, sharing experiences and learning from each other. "
As we came out of lockdown and into reopening, Nigel explains how they had to manage expectations. “We knew nothing would be black and white so we had to make some assumptions for us to begin planning to reopen. We want TONI&GUY and the industry to come out of this stronger than ever.”
![Cos Sakkas, international artistic director and nominee for British Hairdresser of the Year, UK](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/PHOTO-2020-07-09-18-38-20-480x640.jpg)
Cos Sakkas, international artistic director and nominee for British Hairdresser of the Year, UK
“We were quite late to lockdown in the UK but we knew it was coming. We had seen the effects of Coronavirus on our salons in Asia and Europe and knew we were next. However, it didn’t make it any easier. We suddenly went from being fully booked in the academy to being empty and clients not travelling to salons. And no one expected us to be isolating for quite so long! For us, the most important thing was to make sure all our teams were OK – there was a lot of uncertainty and fear and we spent the first few days making sure furlough was in place and people felt safe. "
Bill Watson, educational director for TONI&GUY Asia
“We have had virus warnings from China in the past, but we soon realised this was different. While face masks are the norm here, our main priority was to protect our teams and get the correct PPE.
Bronwyn Illingworth, director TONI&GUY New Zealand
![Bronwyn Illingworth, director TONI&GUY New Zealand](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Team-1-384x640.jpg)
We had 72 hours’ notice before lockdown but our prime minister, We had some support from the Government so apart from negotiating rents and loss of earnings, it wasn’t too challenging. We did some marketing on tips and hair hacks and kept everything upbeat and positive. We did this as a team and came up with
Jose Boix, head of TONI&GUY Spain
“Lockdown was announced on 13 March and initially the Spanish Government wanted salons to stay open because we were considered key to society. However, it wasn’t long before we realised we were going through a big health scare and clients were staying home, so it didn’t make sense to open. The lockdown has been very difficult for some people – many people were depressed and the uncertainty of jobs, families and the economy effected a lot of people"
Charity Cheah, co-founder TONI&GUY Italy
![Charity Cheah, co-founder TONI&GUY Italy](https://www.gossip.sm/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Cutting-429x640.jpg)
From the outset, we made sure we connected with our team and our clients – we constantly communicated in a positive and empathetic way and helped them navigate the ever-changing scenarios. We offered daily tips on how to care for their hair at home through virtual consultations, video tutorials, weekly Instagram Lives and focused on how to stay positive and centered. For our team we offered daily digital training and regular business zoom meetings and we were constantly connected with the global team. We were in lockdown for two and half months so we used this time constructively to strengthen their training needs with cutting and styling sessions, consultation skills and updating their education and soft skill needs so they felt that they would come back stronger than ever. The biggest challenge for us was bridging the physical distance between clients and hairdressers and we made it a priority to keep these relationships alive. We kept everyone connected and well-supported through various social media platforms.