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Colección comercial inspirada en las mujeres -“sirenas” Seres que encantan de pieles blancas y torsos disimuladamente cubiertos con cabellos largos y sueltos.
Hechizan con sus melenas largas dando origen a las tentaciones de lujuria y deseo.
Colores imposibles sobre el cabello, tonos fantasía y vibrantes en melenas sanas que realzan y atenúan aportando luminosidad a cada rostro.
1. Amethyst Roots
Color en la raíz efecto crecido en la gama de morados/magentas.
2. Geode Hair
En cabellos rubios por ser donde más destaca el color, mechones interiores donde solo reluce el tono en determinados momentos.
3. Emerald ombre
Degradados de raíz efecto crecido natural adaptado a cada personalidad. Decoloraciones a grandes alturas, acabado técnica ombré tono pastel.
4. Fantasy Balayage
Gran variedad de reflejos fantasía, tonos siempre en armonía, diversidad en la técnica sin ninguna regla universal, efecto aplicado en toda la melena.
5. On Fire
Reflejos aleatorios en tonos cálidos a diferentes alturas creando un efecto que desprenda movimientos y luz propia.
Peluquería: Alexander Kiryliuk
Color: Kílian Garrigos, Inna Lipkovich
Maquillaje: Miguel Silva
Estilismo: Kati German
Vestuario: Lena Kotoshchuk
Fotografía: David Arnal
Salón : SK Style Barcelona
Peluquería: @alexander_kiryliuk
Color: @kiliangarrigos, @innalipkovich
Maquillaje: @miguel__silvac
Estilismo: @kati_german
Fotografía: @davidarnalteam
Salón : @skstylebarcelona
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de Alexander Kiryliuk surge de un encuentro fortuito que recoge un momento de cambio. Una foto de él mismo disparada hace 20 años, la última en formato analógico, que aparece en una caja en casa de sus padres. Una anécdota personal que se enmarca en un contexto histórico de cambio general. El cierre de una etapa y el inicio de otra totalmente distinta. Un proceso de transformación en el que la tecnología se abre camino en nuestras vidas y ya es imposible resistirse a ella. El final de la década de los noventa y el principio del dos mil reúne acontecimientos clave en los que se inspira Alexander Kiryliuk.
La rebeldía es metamorfosis, la búsqueda hasta el hallazgo de una nueva identidad que surge para renovarlo todo.
El cabello se abre a nuevas texturas, también desafiantes, reflejo de la confianza en la inauguración del futuro que ya es presente.
Las asimetrías se producen siempre en momentos de cambios. Forman parte de la energía que se rompe para transformarse en algo nuevo.
Los flequillos ultralargos, que casi ocultan el rostro, se combinan con cortos de milímetro, todo para enfocar una nueva mirada.
Creative Team: SK Style Barcelona @skstylebarcelona
Art Director: Alexander Kiryliuk @alexander_kiryliuk
Hair: Kílian Garrigós, Inna Lipkovich @kiliangarrigos @innalipkovich
Photography: David Arnal @davidarnalteam
Make Up: Miguel Silva @miguel.silvac
Graphic Design: Javier Villalabeitia @javiervillalabeitia
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Сollection ESSENCE by Alexander Kiryliuk for SK STYLE BARCELONA
Finalist Spanish Hairdressing Awards 2018
Best Women's Commercial Collection
Each picture of this collection celebrates the origins and equality by showing its own identity in this cosmopolitan society. Hair with different textures, unique color techniques and the personality of each look blend in this collection like an essence of the beauty vision with an ethnic reflection.
Hair: Alexander Kiryliuk
Color: Kílian Garrigós
Make up: Miguel Silva
Style: Elena Estaun
Photo: David Arnal
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Find out the latest hair collection called Verity made by Jonny Engstrom, the international hairstylist from Uk.
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Find out the latest hair collection called Underground AW20 made by Hans Beers @ Hans Beers Hair Stage, international hairstylists from the Netherlands.
Concept and Production: Hans Beers @ Hans Beers Hair Stage
Hair: Hans Beers and Soma Rahimi
Make up: Annemieke Tip
Styling: Annemieke Tip
African Designs ‘Alisha’: Lydie Djamba
Photografie: Martin Bierman
PR: Barbera Groenewegen, The Image Factory
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I’m very excited to share with you my newest Gems Collection inspired by the natural phenomenon of gems. Each gem is different and can change bring delight to everyone and everything. Line, texture and colour are reflected in this collection.
Hair: Viktoriia Vradii
Photographer: Tony Le-Britton
Make-Up: Evgeniya Spiktorenki
Stylist: Irina Dzhus
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HJ’s British Hairdressing Awards are NOW OPEN for entry and with a renewed focus on accessibility, there’s never been a better time to enter.
Now in its 37th year, the ‘Oscars of the hair world’ has broadened its entry criteria to reflect the needs of those wanting to enter and to make the awards accessible to everyone. For 2021, these positive changes include the use of more wigs and hair pieces and collections of six images for those that reach the finalist stage. The Trend Image award will remain as just one shot and the nominees for British Hairdresser of the Year will still be required to shoot eight images.
We’re always looking at ways to evolve the British Hairdressing Awards and so, at a time when we’ve all had to adapt to a new normal, we felt that the awards should reflect this. The record number and quality of entries in 2020 demonstrated just how important this event is to the hairdressing community, and we are all excited to see the work that is submitted.
Jayne Lewis Orr - HJ’s executive director
With 18 award categories – 10 regional categories and seven specialist categories, as well as the British Hairdresser of the Year category which is solely for those who are nominated – the awards not only represent the diverse array of technical skills involved in hairdressing but all areas and aspects of the British hairdressing industry.
The specialist categories are:
- Afro Hairdresser of the Year
- Artistic Team of the Year
- Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year
- Men’s Hairdresser of the Year
- Newcomer of the Year
- Schwarzkopf Professional British Colour Technician of the Year
- Trend Image of the Year
- British Hairdresser of the Year.
Representing the length and breadth of Great Britain and beyond, the regional categories are: Eastern Hairdresser of the Year, London Hairdresser of the Year, Midlands Hairdresser of the Year, North Eastern Hairdresser of the Year, North Western Hairdresser of the Year, Northern Ireland Hairdresser of the Year, Scottish Hairdresser of the Year, Southern Hairdresser of the Year and Wales & South West Hairdresser of the Year and International Collection of the Year.
HJ’s British Hairdressing Awards are the ultimate accolade in hairdressing, with a win helping to propel the career of any hairdresser. Household names, industry icons and celebrity stylists alike have all made their name at the awards, while salons across the country have grown their businesses, increased their profile and gained global reach through their entries.
Entries close on Friday 18 June 2021 at 5pm
1 Prep hair by washing, conditioning and blow drying straight. Make sure you use a blow-drying cream for heat protection.
2 Split the hair into front and back sections. Part the front section into a middle parting.
3 Pin the three sections of hair up. You may want to split the back section into two sections if there is a lot of hair. Starting at the nape of the neck, heat wave the hair from the bottom to the top. This is time consuming as you want to make sure your waves all lie on top of each other.
4 Wave the hair from where you would like the wave to start. When you start your second section make sure your waves line up. When complete, secure to the previous section with silver pronged clips. These help to set the hair as the hair cools.
5 Once all your waves are complete, leave to cool thoroughly.
6 Once cool, brush the waves working gently from the bottom with a boar bristle brush to create soft, angelic waves. Use the side of your hand to define each wave once brushed. Do not over burden the hair with hairspray.
Hair: David Corbett at David Corbett Hairdressing, Bothwell, Glasgow
Make-up: Lan Nguyen-Grealis
Photograph: John Rawson
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“Inspiration for this collection comes from a quote I love. "There has to be a beginning of any great matter but the continuing to the very end until it's thoroughly finished yields the true glory" (Francis Drake wrote it when he overcame the Spanish armada).
So La Gloria represents a decade of change for me, a body of work that captures my journey and reminds me what it means to speak our truth, believe in ourselves and never give up.”
Hair: David Corbett, David Corbett Hairdressing, Bothwell, Glasgow
Stylist: Jared Green and Marika Page
Make-up: James O'Reilly and Lan Nguyen-Grealis
Photography: John Rawson
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Nuvole e sole, ombra e luce. Dalle praterie sconfinate e incontaminate ecco uno spiraglio di sole che incornicia il viso come una carezza, fili d’oro come tracce di grano per un castano che sa di vento e terra. Ideale se si ha già un bel castano naturale e si desidera ravvivarlo con nuove sfumature. Un look ricco e morbido, capace di dare luce grazie ai riflessi dorati che risulta perfetto se si ha una carnagione calda o un incarnato scuro o olivastro: i colori della terra e dell’oro risalteranno perfettamente l’incarnato.
Campi aperti ricchi di terra fertile e di pace, dove si coltiva il silenzio e si respira la natura. Questo look si ispira a questi spazi aperti, un colore super naturale come illuminato dal sole. Per chi desidera capelli baciati dal sole tutto l’anno, ma soprattutto sani, grazie alla colorazione Aveda vegan al 92% di derivazione naturale. Delle nuances perfette per una carnagione calda, che grazie ai giochi di oro e rame faranno risplendere il volto creando dei giochi di luci e ombre.
Attraversando la campagna inglese, ecco un’improvvisa esplosione di luce che accende i campi di trifoglio in fiore: un colore chiaro, intenso, che buca lo sguardo. Un colore che difficilmente si dimentica. Ecco da dove nasce questo irresistibile biondo rustico baciato dai fiori di campagna, luce viva che incanta senza mai perdere forza. Perfetto se si vuole incantare al primo sguardo con questo biondo dal gusto country capace di racchiudere diversi giochi di sfumature ad ogni movimento. Ideale se si ha un incarnato nelle tonalità dell’avorio, della pesca o del beige dorato e capelli biondi o castani: queste tonalità chiare e luminose dalla tonalità calda risalteranno il viso. Un intreccio romantico con onde morbide esalterà le nuance delicate di questo colore.
Quando il deserto incontra la luce, ecco come la sabbia rossa volge all’arancione per poi scivolare dolcemente in un morbido e rilassante rosa. Eccole, le dune rosa sui capelli, morbide e sinuose, per un look dolce e sensuale dalle molteplici sfumature. Un colore seducente e vivo, che riprende i colori del deserto perfetto se si ha una pelle color ebano, oliva, beige e avorio. Ideale se i capelli sono scuri oppure biondi in una tonalità fredda, andando a valorizzare i toni più vivaci e vibranti che accendono lo sguardo.
Proprio come tanti ciottoli sulla spiaggia che cambiano colore con l’acqua e con il cielo, questo colore si modifica e si evolve con l’evolversi del tempo e della luce. Sfumature rosate super raffinate danno vita ad un look naturale imprigionato in un filtro multicolor. Giocare col colore, ma in modo super chic, queste le parole d’ordine. Perfetto per tutte le carnagioni, perché si tratta di un colore totalmente personalizzabile in base alle necessità.
CREDITS: KaperaTeam & Aveda EducationTeam
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This collection aims to inspire and transmit different emotions to those who see the hairstyles and the pieces that decorate the hair. Each of the jewel accessories has a great individual value, in which current hairstyles are combined with the craftsmanship of their free culture pieces and unmistakable styles.
The various types of braiding, textures and shapes that are made in hair make this collection adaptable to the new times. Hair becomes a new object of desire, artistic and emotional, thanks to the handmade textures of the braiding and the combination of objects with different motifs such as insects, reptiles and headpieces that offer versatile, fresh, alternative and daring jewelry.
Hair: Rafael Bueno @ Rafael Bueno Peluqueros
Hair Instagram: @rafaelbuenopeluqueros
Hair Assistant: Moysés Utrera
Instagram: @moysesutrera
Photography: Amanda Watt
Instagram: @amandawattr
Styling: Rodolfo McCartney
Instagram: @rodolfomcartney de @noquieroagencia
Dresses: @santoscostura @otaduy @larcabarcelona
MUA: Lulú Pérez y Ariadna Roji
Instagram: @_luluperez_ y @ariadna_roji
Video: Essential Films
Instagram: @essential.films
Floral styling: La Bohème Estilismo Floral
Instagram: @laboheme.estilismofloral
Jewels: Martina Dorta
Instagram: @martina_dorta
Furniture and lighting: Más Que Palets
Instagram: @masquepalets
Models: @lolaarivas @solmgarrido @lifebeing.us
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A modern mix of bold colours and contemporary texture, Nu Splendor celebrates the strengths for which the Sanrizz brand is renowned: precision cuts, graphic lines and flawless finishes.
Hair: Leonardo Rizzo @ Sanrizz
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TOP HAIRSTYLISTS 2021 -guida ai migliori parrucchieri d'Italia-
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GLOBElife si espande e in partnership con GAMMA3000 srl(editore specializzato in riviste di vari settori con distribuzione
in tutte le edicole d’Italia
pubblica ogni 2 mesi una RIVISTA UNICA nel suo genere dedicata alla donna con foto di tagli, acconciature, colori.
E’ il momento di rinnovare la chioma e, come già stiamo vedendo sui capelli di molte presentatrici TV, scegliere lo stile più adatto alla propria personalità ed ai propri gusti, con più coraggio.
I capelli d’altronde sono la prima cosa che si nota in una persona e la caratterizzano. L’EVOLUZIONE, per non dire RIVOLUZIONE delle proposte che gli stilisti presentano oggi, sono pubblicate in questa nuova rivista, dove i MIGLIORI HAIRSTYLISTS MONDIALI, offrono alla visione delle donne le loro ultime collezioni non solo per sognare ma da portare!
Per maggiori informazioni contatta la Redazione di GLOBElife:
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Find put the latest hair collection called Eastern by Sharon Cox, the international hairstylist from UK.
Find put the latest hair collection by Sanrizz Art Team, the international hairstylists from UK.
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