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From gossip
30 May 2009


HAIR STUDIOMARIO Academy (Viareggio) ha attivato:

CORSI HAIR SWAN (1° e 2° livello): per conoscere tutti i segreti di taglio della famosa tecnica Swan
MASTER SWAN: emozionante percorso stilistico/creativo della durata di due giorni con Mario Stagi
PROGRAMMA 2009 21-22 giugno Corso manageriale e extensions 21-22 giugno Collezione Autunno/Inverno 29-30 novembre Acconciautura
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 May 2009

Gallipoli, 30 maggio - 13 giugno 2009

Miss Mondo Italia è la Selezione Nazionale di Miss World, il più antico e prestigioso concorso di bellezza al mondo. A partire dalla selezione iniziale fino ad arrivare alla serata finale, particolare attenzione è rivolta al rispetto di severi canoni estetici, morali e culturali. Tutte le partecipanti devono sostenere rigorose selezioni mirate a valutare non solo la loro "bellezza" estetica, ma anche la personalità. Vengono selezionate unicamente concorrenti di età compresa tra i 17 e i 25 anni. Partendo da un numero di 10.000 partecipanti, solo 52 riusciranno ad accedere alla finalissima in programma il prossimo 13 giugno nella splendida Gallipoli, “perla dello Jonio”. La fase finale coinvolge 120 concorrenti, provenienti da tutte le regioni d’Italia. Le Miss salperanno a Gallipoli a partire da sabato 30 maggio. Primo appuntamento la prefinale di Miss Mondo Italia che si svolgerà martedì 2 giugno presso il complesso turistico “Le Sirenè Ecoresort”. Solo cinquantadue le finaliste che prenderanno parte alla kermesse finale di sabato 13 giugno in cui sarà proclamata Miss Mondo Italia 2009, unica rappresentante italiana a Miss World, che si svolgerà a Johannesburg (Sud Africa) il prossimo 12 Dicembre 2009.
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
30 May 2009

HAIR PROJECT by Ciro Apicella: foto moda

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
29 May 2009

Hair: Phil Smith, Toni & Guy Collection: British Collection Photographer: Clive Arrowsmith Make-up: Cheryl Phelps Gardiner Styling: Bernard Connolley
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 May 2009

Creative collection

Hair: Marcello Moccia Photography: Rick Dodds Styling: Darren Knight Make up: Sarah Lee

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 May 2009

for Sutherland & Barnett

Nottingham salon, Sutherland & Barnett has been named Hair Salon of the year in the Heart 106 Lifestyle Awards 2009. Following a public vote, the salon was shortlisted for the category, alongside other top East Midlands salons.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 May 2009
Errol Douglas recently spent a day teaching the new FAME team about creativity with hair. Errol, a long-standing Fellowship member, was previously a FAME Team artistic director. Said Errol: "As a former FAME team member, I know how important it is to be nurtured and inspired by established industry figures, so I look forward to days like these where I can give a helping hand to up-and-coming hairdressers. This FAME team is shaping up to be one of the most talented, so it was a pleasure to work with them."
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 May 2009

A Milano un party “artistico” apre il secondo decennio di attività di Extro, punto di riferimento del hairstyle per competenza, creatività e stile.

4 Maggio 2009 – Il Salone Extro, uno spazio metropolitano nel cuore di Milano a pochi passi dal Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci, ha festeggiato i primi 10 anni di attività con una mostra in anteprima assoluta di Alex Turco, apprezzato art designer contemporaneo.I Panels realizzati in un unico esemplare delle più affascinanti icone di bellezza reintepretate dal talento dell’artista hanno fatto da preziosa ed inedita cornice all’appuntamento che ha ospitato centinai di ospiti tra clienti e personaggi dello show biz come: Jo Squillo, Milton Morales, Cristina appena uscita dal Grande Fratello, Meridiana ex velina bionda, Ludmilla Radchenko, Nina Senicar, la top model Natalie Kriz, l’attrice Sara Bertelà, Miss Croazia Vania Rupena. I tre soci Davide Calò, Francesco Vinaccia e Dino Fina anticipatori nel loro dna professionale di nuove tecniche e tendenze hanno raccolto la stima e l’apprezzamento di moltissimi clienti e operatori del settore.

“La ricetta del successo di Extro – commentano i tre soci soddisfatti e sorpresi dall’affluenza degli ospiti accorsi a festeggiarli – è innanzitutto l’amicizia e il rispetto reciproco. Il nostro punto di forza è inoltre essere differenti ma complementari e uniti nella continua ricerca del nuovo e del bello investendo in formazione e qualità dei servizi e dei prodotti. Al successo del nostro percorso ha contribuito anche la partnership con un grande marchio come WELLA PROFESSIONALS”.
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
28 May 2009

Morocutti premiata al Cosmoprof 2009

Il diploma Distributor of the year
con cui Denman ha insignito
l'azienda Morocutti
Grande successo di MOROCUTTI, azienda di Brescia, premiata al Cosmoprof 2009 da Denman come distributore internazionale dell’anno 2008 (fra circa 40 distributori di paesi diversi). Tra le spazzole più vendute dall'Azienda bresciana il modello D3, superclassico ed il modello Squargonomics Pink, spazzola termica con fusto a sezione quadrata per maggior stacco del capello alla radice ed asciugatura più veloce.
Modello D3
Modello Squargonomics Pink
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2009
Yesmin O'Brien, seanhanna salons' artistic director, was recently invited to create the hair designs for high street fashion group Peacocks' spring/summer 2009 collections show on behalf of L'Oréal Professionnel. Presented to a packed audience of key fashion journalists in the industry, the show combined day and evening wear. Yesmin created soft, feminine stykes that marched the new collection and the mood. " The clothes were beautiful so the hair had to match them. It was a great experience and I would love to do it again" said Yesmin.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2009
Mop was awarded the Best Eco/Organic Haircare Range in the InStyle Best Beauty Buys 2008. Mop is the first brand to win this new category in the awards.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2009
Stylists at North East salon chain Contemporary were given the chance to demonstrate their artistic skills recently, with a hair and fashion shoot led by art director, Claire Morley. Stylists were given first-hand experience of developing a mood board, selecting clothing, briefing photographers as well as styling cutting. Said Claire:"I wanted to give our emerging young talent the opportunity to experience working on a live shoot, push the styling boundaries and produce their own collection."
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2009

 Riccione - Hotel Atlantic 10 - 11 maggio 2009 SEMINAR TAGLIO - COLORE - RACCOLTI

Un Seminar di Taglio e Colore si è svolto nella prestigiosa cornice dell’Hotel Atlantic di Riccione. Un programma intenso, che ha visto alternarsi momenti teorici e pratici in un seminar dedicato alla presentazione di nuove tecniche di styling e colore. Un percorso ricco di proposte, presentate con sapienza ed energia comunicativa da Teresa Salvatori By Equipe “ Futuro Teresa”.

Hantesis - Riccione Hantesis - Riccione Hantesis - Riccione Hantesis - Riccione

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 May 2009

MILANO, 24 maggio 2009

L'evento Milano Moda ELCHIM ha scelto come location il famoso The Beach di Milano, che ha fatto da cornice ad una manifestazione ricca di avvenimenti: presentazione dei nuovi prodotti ELCHIM, in cui avanguardia ed esperienza consolidata nel settore si fondono al servizio dell'hair stylist, una sfilata di ben 30 modelle e la premiazione, in cui sono stati assegnati i diplomi agli stilisti selezionati dalla ELCHIM TALENT SCOUT.
I prodotti di punta ELCHIM: Phon 3001 Millenium Ionic Ceramic, Phon Futuro, Piastra Ionic Blue Ray e Phon 5000 Da Vinci.
Nel corso della manifestazione il celebre hair stylist Carmelo Faraci (di Immagine e Acconciature, salone di Melegnano), Campione Italiano Nazionale dell'ESPAM, Scuola di Parrucchieri di Milano, ha realizzato in diretta opere di “scultura con capelli”.
Carmelo Faraci (al centro),
con i protagonisti dell'evento
Milano Moda ELCHIM
Le tematiche hanno proposto la sfera del Futuro, dell’Africa e dell’Oriente alternandosi con scenografie floreali ed artistiche.

La consegna dei diplomi

La manifestazione: i balli, la sfilata e le esibizioni degli hair stylists

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 May 2009
Salon owners are being warned to prepare themselves for dramatic rises in their energy bills unless they shop around for the best deals - and give adequate notice on their current contracts. A recent ruevey by website makeitcheaper.com found that, while 84% of small business owners were unhappy with their current supplier, only 14% knew when their contract was due to end. Most providers insist on 90 days' notice before the end of a contract. Commented Eileen Lawson, secretary general of the National Hairdressers'Federation (NHF): "This is an issue which the NHF has been on top of for a good while now. Just before industry watchdog, Energywatch, was disbanded in October, it told the NHF that it received more complaints form small businesses on renewals than anything alse. "the NHF advises salons to write to the company at any stage during the concract asking for notice of cancellation to be effected 90 days, or any other notice period that may be stipulated, before the contract ends. That way owners can continue with them if they want but they can also choose not to". Renewal tariffs are typically expected to double.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 May 2009
Clynol's Protégé team
Clynol has announced the names of its 2009 Protégé Team. A tough judging process took place at the end of January, with 40 finalists challenged to demostrate live cutting and styling work, presentation skills and the potential for team work. The national competition was open to those aged 25 and under and the final was held at Clynol's London Academy. The winners will work under the guidance of top Clynol hairdressers and technicians, while taking to the stage for presentations. The team will also create its own photo shoot as a finalé to its 12 months in the spotlight. The team members are: Joanne Burns of Spargo, Brentwood, Essex; Chelsea Allen and Natalie Reaney of Headlines Elite, Sheffield; Amy Henesy from Hairclubin', Westcliffe-on-Sea, Essex; Laura Hammond of Crème Hair and BEauty, Rutland; and Rebecca Milsted of Watkin-Wright Hairdressing and Beauty, knaresborough, Yorkshire.
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
27 May 2009

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 May 2009

diverted professional product

High street giant Boots has admitted selling professional haircare brands in nine of its flagship stores, despite strong opposition from the suppliers. An official statement from Boots stated: "We do stock Paul Mitchell, Redken and MOP ranges in a small number of our store so as to offer our costumers the most comprehensive range of haircare products on the high street. Buying products via other reputable suppliers is legal. However it is our preference to deal with the brand owners directly where possible. We are keen to forge a relationship with Paul Mitchell, Redken and MOP, however, so far, our attempts have not been reciprocated."

Paul Mitchell was vociferous in its comdemnation of Boot's decision to a third party supplier to gain diverted stock. "These products were not supplied to Boots by Salon Success", said managing director Simon Tickler. "As a company wich only endorses the sale of our products through professional hair salons, we immediately contacted the beauty buyer at Boots, explaining that the products it is selling are from an unauthorised source and requested they remove the products from their shelves immediatly. Boots declined to co-operated." Said Kathleen Gillin, Redken general manager UK and Republic of Ireland: "Redken is a brand dedicated to the salon professional. genuine Redken products are guaranteed only in salons. We are currently investigating this matter." An official statement from MOP said: "Internationally, MOP treats any stock diversion extremely seriously and is already investigating the circumstances of this issue."
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 May 2009

Relax-go to it

The likes of Beyoncè, Rihanna and Naomi Campbell are perfect exemples of how chemically relaxed Afro hair can look stunning and still be in great condition.
However, without theright training and technical know-how, the potentially hazardous cocktail of chemicals needed to relax hair can result in it being frizzy, broken and damaged.Leading trichologist Tony Maleedy has spent 10 years carrying out research into African hair and what affects it. "The most common method of relaxing hair is to use sodium hydroxide (also know as lye) wich is a strong alkali that is mixed with either water, oil or an emollient."

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
27 May 2009


DAIFI/EMSIBETH ha reforzado su línea solar de cara al buen tiempo y a la época estival. La Línea Thermal Solar hace acopio de unos originales planteamientos, como el agua termal, para solventar el más mínimo problema que pueda surgir en el disfrute del buen tiempo. Solventar y paliar, adelantándose a la problemática.


Author: GLOBElife


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