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From gossip
10 Nov 2015

Jason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art Team

Jason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art Team

Jason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art TeamJason Liddiard Art Team

Combining on-trend looks for both men and women, the Equinox collection from the Jason Liddiard Art Team showcases refined styling with a modern twist.

Hair: Jason Liddiard Art Team - UK
Collection: Equinox
Ph: Lisa Kennedy
Make-up: Rachael Henighan

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
10 Nov 2015

James Whyte @ SoulhairJames Whyte @ SoulhairJames Whyte @ SoulhairJames Whyte @ Soulhair

James Whyte @ SoulhairJames Whyte @ SoulhairJames Whyte @ SoulhairJames Whyte @ Soulhair

Hair: James Whyte @ Soulhair - UK
Ph: Andrew O'Toole
Stylist: Desiree Landerer

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
10 Nov 2015

Silas Tsang @ BlushesSilas Tsang @ BlushesSilas Tsang @ Blushes

Silas Tsang @ BlushesSilas Tsang @ Blushes

"The juxtaposition between boldness and agility is captured in this series. The hair feels lightweight, almost defying gravity while still complementing the striking beauty of the model."

Hair: Silas Tsang @ Blushes - Canada
Collection: Coalesce
Ph: John Rawson @ www.therawsonpartnership.net
Make-up: Lan Grealis Clothes
Styling: Jared Green
Colour: Dorothy Tsang @ Blushes

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
10 Nov 2015

Michelle Fell @ Andrew Collinge Artistic Team

Hair: Michelle Fell @ Andrew Collinge Artistic Team - UK
Collection: Minimal
Ph: Alex Barron-Hough @ The Bedhead Studio
Make-up: Liz Collinge
Styling: Jiv D
Model: Aurora

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
09 Nov 2015

migliori del mesemigliori del mese

migliori del mesemigliori del mese

Come ogni mese anche a Novembre sono stati nominati i MIGLIORI nelle categorie Azienda, Prodotto, Personaggio e Hairstylists. Clicca e scopri chi si è aggiudicato questa volta l'ambìto podio !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
06 Nov 2015

Gonzalo Zarauza

Madrid, 26th october - Gonzalo Zarauza, known for his trajectory as image educator and adviser as well as hairdresser, won the award to the best staging on the Fígaro Awards. It is, without any doubt one of most exciting awards of the Figaro's Gala night, valued "in situ" by the jury and are given at the end of the gala. Gonzalo Zarauza, finalist in the Female Commercial with his collection FRESH, won the Fígaro Catwalk Award, highlighting between 15 finalists, presenting a commercial proposal connected to fashion, fresh and technically perfect. The jury was comprised of five international talents in the global hairdressing community – Trevor Sorbie, Tony Rizzo, María Yus, Filippo Sepe and Sergi Bancells. The Spanish Hairdressing Awards, given annually by the Figaro Club and in their sixth edition this year, have become in the most successful Spanish hairdressing call, a contest that, year by year, gets over its own participation records and gathers the creative hairdressers most prestigious of the country.

Gonzalo ZarauzaGonzalo ZarauzaGonzalo Zarauza

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
06 Nov 2015


The opportunity to relocate premises was the perfect chance for Mary and Adam Alamine and their Royals' team to bring to life a long-held vision for their salon and to truly embrace their love of Moroccan influence! With a friend happy to import distinctive, bright and intriguing pieces from Morocco, the new salon took shape quickly with genuine Moroccan doors adorning the ceiling, plates hanging on the walls, and ornate lamps and metallic grills greeting visitors upon entry.

"Mary and I share a love for the Moroccan design and we wanted a space that was authentic. We wanted real pieces from Morocco with a distinct 'imperfect beauty' so we steered clear of polished finishes and relied heavily on reclaimed timber, handmade pieces and lots of original, unique items from Morocco."

Having occupied space in the convenience of the Castle Towers shopping centre since 2007, it was time for a move to another area of the centre and really accentuate their take on the Moroccan style that underpins their salon interiors and hospitality, which stems from Adam's heritage.


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
06 Nov 2015

Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages

Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages

Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages

Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages

Caravansary, que proviene de Caravansar, palabra que deriva del persa y el turco y que se refiere a los albergues o refugios para los comerciantes de la ruta de la seda. En nuestro mundo cambiante, la fluidez se ha convertido en una necesidad. Las múltiples corrientes de nuestra sociedad transcultural nos está transformando en seres mixtos formados por una multitud de influencias. Si se piensa en el mundo de hoy, casi todos somos nómadas, todos vivimos en diferentes lugares, ya sea físicamente como digitalmente; absorbemos culturas e ideas en un solo clic y las adaptamos a nuestra vida cotidiana, zarpamos hacia nuevas aventuras con las ganas de dejarlo todo atrás para descubrir aquello que es contrario a nuestra rutina, las antípodas de nuestra vida rutinaria, esto nos mantiene en movimiento y nos da energía y la clave es la fusión colorida, original y optimista. El cabello se vuelve libre, natural y salvajemente controlado, se mueve como una silueta nómada. Las texturas son secas, hinchadas y voluminosas en las melenas, los trenzados vuelven a ganar protagonismo junto a los recogidos con volúmenes esculpidos y los cortes van a favorecer la naturaleza del cabello buscando y potenciando sus formas naturales. Los cabellos abrazan una calidez extrema y el color clave de esta temporada se instala en toda la gama de cobres, desde los rubios venecianos hasta los tonos albaricoque, tonos de cabellos intensos y cálidos que aportan un extra de energía y vitalidad.

Hair: Raffel Pages - ES
Collection: Caravansary
Ph: David Arnal @ Raffel Pages
Make-up: Alba Pesas @ Raffel Pages

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
06 Nov 2015

Rocco Parrucchieri

Rocco parrucchieri, pioniere nell'arte delle hair-spa, il primo in Europa a proporre le cerimonie Shu Uemura art of hair, veri rituali di bellezza e ricostruzione della fibra capillare accompagnati da un massaggio shiatsu, offre nel suo Salone di Bologna, il perfetto connubio tra benessere e fashion look.

Ora il suo spot è anche mobìle !

clicca e guarda lo SPOT !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
06 Nov 2015

Tracey HughesTracey HughesTracey Hughes

Tracey HughesTracey HughesTracey Hughes

Hair: Tracey Hughes - Australia
Collection: Chimera
Ph: Bernard Gueit
Make-up: Danielle Papaz
Colour: Olivia Zynevych

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
05 Nov 2015

María Montes

Monday, 26th October (Madrid) - The young stylist María Montes, from the Manuel Mon salon, has been awarded with the "Newcomer of the Year 2015", intended for the professionals under 28 years old. XANA is the name of the winning collection, a vanguards proposal inspired in the asturian mythology. This is a new award for the Manuel Mon firm, whose director won in the last edition the vanguard collection award and has been twice finalist in the Spanish Hairdresser of the Year category. The jury was comprised of five international talents in the global hairdressing community – Trevor Sorbie, Tony Rizzo, María Yus, Filippo Sepe and Sergi Bancells. The Spanish Hairdressing Awards, given annually by the Fígaro Club and in their sixth edition this year, have become in the most successful Spanish hairdressing call, a contest that, year by year, gets over its own participation records and gathers the creative hairdressers most prestigious of the country.

María MontesMaría MontesMaría Montes

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
05 Nov 2015

Steve Rowbottom and Jody Toner @ Westrow AcademySteve Rowbottom and Jody Toner @ Westrow AcademySteve Rowbottom and Jody Toner @ Westrow AcademySteve Rowbottom and Jody Toner @ Westrow Academy

Steve Rowbottom and Jody Toner, from the Westrow Artistic Team, have unveiled their latest collection – Structure. "Taking inspiration from Dior Homme AW15 and structure and form within both the hair and clothes, we used a range of styling techniques to create strong, geometric shapes and a multi-dimensional texture."

Hair: Steve Rowbottom and Jody Toner @ Westrow Academy - UK
Collection: Structure
Ph: Paul Gill
Styling: Westrow

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
05 Nov 2015

Albert Parrucchieri

ALBERT EQUIPE è lo splendido salone parrucchieri di Bologna. L'istituto, presente da ben 49 anni nel capoluogo emiliano, è composto dai settori parrucchiere ed estetica. Da oggi lo SPOT di ALBERT EQUIPE è visibile anche da smartphone e tablet. Rimani sempre in contatto con il Salone !

clicca e guarda lo SPOT !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
05 Nov 2015

David BarronDavid BarronDavid Barron

David BarronDavid Barron

Hair: David Barron - UK
Collection: Silver Scenes
Ph: Jack Eames
Make-up: Maddie Austin
Styling: Clare Frith

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
04 Nov 2015


Su GLOBElife.TV il video di EFFERVESCENE: il training show che si è tenuto durante Salon Look Madrid 2015, la Fiera internazionale di capelli ed estetica spagnola che si è tenuta dal 24 al 26 ottobre. Dopo il successo della prima edizione, la manifestazione ha unito ancora una volta le più importanti figure d'avanguardia della Spagna in una sessione di training utile a tutti quei professionisti del settore che vogliono tenere il passo con le ultime tendenze. Quattro squadre hanno preso parte alla gara: Toni & Guy Spagna, Pelsynera, Gonzalo e Ziortza Zarauza, e Mikel Luzea.


Part 1Part 2

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
04 Nov 2015

I SargassiI SargassiI SargassiI SargassiI Sargassi

I SargassiI SargassiI SargassiI SargassiI Sargassi

I SargassiI SargassiI SargassiI Sargassi

Hair: ISargassi artistic team
Photo: Fabio Di Tivoli
Graphic design: NW Design’

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
04 Nov 2015

Silas Tsang @ BlushesSilas Tsang @ BlushesSilas Tsang @ Blushes

"Stripping away all excessive accessories, minimalism highlights the beauty of hair movement. Hair is incredibly dramatic and expressive through its dynamic motion."

Hair: Silas Tsang @ Blushes - Canada
Collection: Motion
Ph: John Rawson @ www.therawsonpartnership.net
Make‐up: Lan Grealis Clothes
Styling: Jared Green
Colour: Dorothy Tsang @ Blushes

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
04 Nov 2015

Luigi Buratti

Lo SPOT di LUIGI BURATTI, parrucchiere di Biella e Borgomanero (Novara), è ora visibile anche da Smartphone e Tablet! Rimani in contatto con il Salone in ogni momento, connettendoti con qualsiasi dispositivo.

clicca e guarda lo SPOT !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
04 Nov 2015

Zaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & Peluqueros

Zaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & Peluqueros

Zaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & PeluquerosZaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & Peluqueros

Annata está inspirada en una mujer "vintage". Quiero transmitir con ella, y realzar la belleza natural de la mujer, reivindicando su sensualidad desde la sencillez. Por ello propongo una mujer muy femenina y glamurosa desde su naturalidad. Una novia bella, transparente, sincera y apasionada, como lo es para mí el amor. Con ella quiero aportar mi visión personal de la mujer en un día tan especial.

Hair: Zaida Martínez Pérez @ D´Tonos Estlilistas & Peluqueros - España
Collection: Annata
Ph: Begoña Rodríguez @ Zyllan Fotografía
Make-up: Marina Villanueva
Styling: Susana Mendo @Tu Personal Shopper en Valladolid
Location and Thanks: Hotel Eurostars Marqués de la Ensenada (Valladolid)

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
03 Nov 2015

Aplausos multitudinarios, lágrimas y muchas emociones fue lo que el pasado Domingo 25 de Octubre a las 16,00 horas han sentido y presenciado los más de 900 personas que han asistido a la Quinta Edición de Show Positivo bajo el lema Kinetic Art, Energia, Movimiento y Arte, en el Salón Look Madrid de Ifema, organizado por X-PRESION. Un show donde en tan sólo 5 ediciones han conseguido ser un escaparate internacional para cientos de seguidores de diferentes continentes que asistieron emocionados ante tal espectáculo.

Show Positivo

Author: GLOBElife


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