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Gossip & Beautynews ❤️

news n°
From gossip
25 May 2016

 Alessandro Galetti & Marco Marchesi @ Toni & Guy

Hair: Alessandro Galetti & Marco Marchesi @ Toni & Guy - Italia
Ph: Marco Valle
Make-up: Stefania Gazzi
Styling: Eleonora Papetti


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
25 May 2016


Bangkok, Thailand – Beyond Beauty ASEAN-Bangkok (“BBAB”) announces that it has been approved by UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. In addition, BBAB is honored to have been selected as the only ‘ASEAN Rising Trade Show’ in the Healthcare and Wellness industry, by the Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB). BBAB, held annually, is ASEAN’s only truly regional event for the beauty industry. Entering its third year, BBAB has moved at a rapid developmental pace since its first edition and has become the region’s most successful international trade platform.


To gain UFI approval, BBAB underwent a thorough audit by Searcher Co. Ltd. As part of the audit, BBAB’s attendance figures and other exhibition-related data were all expansively reviewed and verified.
UFI approval is much sought after in the exhibition industry, as this credential incites trust by giving credibility to data recorded by event organizers. Besides verifying hard facts such as total net exhibition space, number of domestic and international exhibitors, as well as number of visitors, UFI approval is a quality guarantee of the exhibition’s reputation and service quality.

BBAB is the only beauty trade exhibition in ASEAN to have attained this accolade

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
24 May 2016


L'ORÉAL PROFESSIONNEL, il colosso della cosmetica, leader nel settore parrucchieri, fa i conti con un bilancio negativo in America Latina (- 11 %) e nell'Europa dell'Est (- 1,5 %). Positiva invece la situazione nel resto nel mondo.

"Super-performance" nell'e-commerce.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016



STYLING.IT “effetto mosso e liscio” è un innovativo prodotto che consente sia di lisciare il capello che di ottenere riccioli soffici e luminosi.
Particolarmente adatto per capelli crespi, ti aspetta in OMAGGIO !

clicca e richiedilo subito !

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016



Le sfilate moda-capelli, i backstages,
le passerelle dei più grandi hairstylists da tutto il mondo,
sono on line 24 ore su 24 su GLOBElife.TV,
il canale digitale gratuito della moda !

Clicca e... buon divertimento !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
24 May 2016



May 26-28, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

BEAUTY EXPO UZBEKISTAN is the 12th International Specialized Exhibition of Beauty Products in Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan).

Exhibition Sections


  • face care and body care products
  • hair care products
  • hygiene products and toiletries
  • make-up and nail varnish
  • perfumery
  • raw materials and packaging
  • household chemistry


  • cosmetological equipment and tools
  • professional face and body care products
  • hairdresser's equipment and tools
  • professional products for hair care, styling and coloring
  • tools and supplies for manicure, pedicure and nail design
  • equipment, tools and supplies for plastic surgery
  • equipment, tools and supplies for permanent make-up and piercing
  • SPA procedures and aromatherapy


  • training equipment
  • sport tools and equipment
  • sports clothes and footwear
  • equipment and furniture for fitness centers
  • medicines for weight correction
  • food supplements
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016



Si è tenuto ieri, lunedì 23 maggio, presso UNIVERSO CAPELLI ACADEMY di Vercelli, il corso di taglio maschile "La sfumatura perfetta".

L'evento è stato ospite di uno dei grossisti di prodotti per capelli più noto nel nord Italia, UNIVERSO CAPELLI. Il protagonista in scena è stato HIRO, leader del marchio "HIRO BARBER SHOP", brand che sta spopolando nel mondo della moda-capelli maschile.

La prima parte del corso è stata dedicata alla formazione dei leader, quindi è seguito il workshop. Al termine della giornata i partecipanti, maggiormente consapevoli delle loro capacità professionali, se ne sono andati con uno spirito di rinnovata passione ed energia, oltre ad un utile bagaglio di strumenti indispensabili a soddisfare anche i clienti più esigenti.

Il prossimo appuntamento con il corso "Modellatura di Barba e Baffi" è fissato per lunedì 19 settembre e spiegherà anche la tecnica del ricondizionamento con panno caldo.

Non perdetevelo !


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016

Salón GaudíSalón GaudíSalón Gaudí

Dust es también una fusión de fascinación, talento e inspiración; es el arte, la moda y el cabello condensado en uno. Y es que en esta colección han colaborado artistas y diseñadores de talla internacional.

Hair: Salón Gaudí - España
Collection: Dust
Ph: Danniel Rojas
Make-up: Aida Rojas
Stylist: Arturo Argüelles
Concept: Enrique Serrano, creative director of Salón Gaudí
Ph assistant: Rubén Vallejo
Nails: Salón Gaudí
Model: Poly Konovalova – Trend Models
Latex: Madrubb Products: I.C.O.N.


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
24 May 2016

Mary Alamine @ Royals HairMary Alamine @ Royals HairMary Alamine @ Royals Hair

Mary Alamine @ Royals HairMary Alamine @ Royals HairMary Alamine @ Royals Hair

I've always been fascinated by the mythological stories of vampires and immortal beings and how over time these stories have transformed from horriMic stories into tales of romance and beauty. Vampire narratives date all the way back to 1431 to Dracula who was the Mirst vampire and even further we Mind evidence of stories of immortal beings. People have always been fascinated by the concept of immortality - the idea of staying young and beautiful "forever" or as long as possible is appealing to most people and this is unequivocally reMlected in society today. Pop culture references of Vampires – Twilight, Interview with the Vampire and TV Shows like Vampire Diaries - portray vampires in a way that is most appealing. The characters are alluring and youthful, bound by the common thread of immortality. This entire collection was inspired by dark mystical beings and I wanted to bring that darkness into my collection characterized by the dark backdrop, with the models pale and ethereal offset by the overall black & white theme.

Hair: Mary Alamine @ Royals Hair - AU
Collection: Immortelle
Ph: David Mannah
Make-up: Mikele Simone
Stylist: Jana Bartolo
Salon: Royals Hair


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016

Francesco Group Church LaneFrancesco Group Church LaneFrancesco Group Church Lane

Francesco Group Church LaneFrancesco Group Church LaneFrancesco Group Church Lane

Francesco Group Church LaneFrancesco Group Church LaneFrancesco Group Church Lane

Hair: Francesco Group Church Lane - UK
Collection: Are Friends Electric
Ph: Kerry O'Sullivan
Make-up: Judy O'Sullivan
Creative Direction: Kate O'Sullivan
Styling: Kate O'Sullivan


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016

Jose Antonio Chamborro & Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & StylingJose Antonio Chamborro & Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & StylingJose Antonio Chamborro & Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & Styling

Jose Antonio Chamborro & Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & StylingJose Antonio Chamborro & Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & StylingJose Antonio Chamborro & Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & Styling

DIVERSSO nace de la necesidad que tenemos en LAGASCA de explorar nuevas vías en el campo de la imagen masculina. Hoy en día, tanto en el cine, como en las pasarelas de primer nivel, se esfuerzan por transmitirnos la idea de que el hombre puede seguir siendo perfectamente varonil, aunque utilicemos recursos que actualmente, y no así en la antigüedad, estén encasillados en la imagen femenina. Queremos creer que en un futuro, la imagen no tendrá limitación alguna...

Hair: Jose Antonio Chamborro &Santi Campos @ Lagasca Hair & Styling - España
Collection: Diversso
Ph: Xabier Urtasun
Make-up: Míriam González
Stylist: Miguel Ángel Lima


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 May 2016

Luke Harris @ Toni & GuyLuke Harris @ Toni & Guy

Hair: Luke Harris @ Toni & Guy - AU
Make-up: Megan Everett
Styling: Bonnie Hansen


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016


Sono apparsi per la prima volta in Corea, a Seul, i monitor a specchio lanciati da Samsung. In un Salone di parrucchieri  si sono visti per la prima volta i grandi display (55 pollici) in azione: oltre a funzionare da specchio interagiscono col cliente mostrandogli tagli, colori, pettinature. I display saranno in commercio a partire da settembre ma non se ne conosce ancora il prezzo.

Alcuni display a specchio sono già presenti in commercio, ma questi della Samsung, grazie alla tecnologia OLED, promettono una migliore visuale e resa luminosa, inoltre sono dotati di una camera Intel's 3D RealSense.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016



Una sezione del portale GLOBElife.com è dedicata interamente ai distributori - grossisti per parrucchieri in Italia.

Qui, comodamente ordinato per regione, provincia e città, è possibile consultare l'elenco dei migliori distributori - grossisti per parrucchieri ed estetica, trovare tutti i prodotti di cui si ha bisogno, contattare direttamente i negozi, spesso anche acquistare on-line.

Che aspetti ? Tutto ciò che ti serve è a portata di click !

Dove comprare ? Tutti i migliori distributori in Italia >>
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016


I Sargassi, una delle firme più prestigiose del mercato della bellezza capelli, caratterizzata da un intenso impegno in formazione in Italia ed una forte vocazione all’estero con attività didattiche in Russia e America Latina, torna insieme a Wella progettando una partnership solida e innovativa aperta al futuro e all’evoluzione della professione.

“Il nostro credo – spiega Rosanna Scatigno co-fondatrice del marchio nato a metà degli anni settanta ed anima del gruppo che ha sempre accompagnato con tanta energia in una continua crescita – è la capacità di accogliere i cambiamenti senza timore e di investire sui giovani ed il futuro della professione. Insieme a Wella, e all’entusiasmo che abbiamo condiviso nel dare forma alla ritrovata partnership, siamo certi di raggiungere i nostri obiettivi, garantendo ai saloni e all’intero team tutti i migliori strumenti ed il supporto necessari al loro successo. Insieme si vince!”

“Per noi è un grande privilegio – sostiene Marco Vurro, Responsabile Comunicazione ed Eventi Wella Professionals, divisione professionale di Procter & Gamble - rinnovare, dopo circa 15 anni, la nostra collaborazione con uno dei gruppi storici della coiffure italiana, che ha saputo cavalcare i cambiamenti, crescere e attestarsi sempre come punta avanzata dell’imprenditoria e dello stile capelli.  Grazie al loro dinamismo sono già in atto importanti sinergie che preludono al successo di questa collaborazione resa ancor più vincente da una visione comune del mercato e della professione. ”

Quattro sono le aree strategiche su cui Wella e I Sargassi investiranno e per le quali sono già in atto proficui scambi di competenze: i Giovani, l’Education, i Saloni e la Comunicazione.

L’origine del nome I SARGASSI nasce dall’unione delle iniziali dei cinque soci fondatori: (I)talo, (S)ergio, (A)lfio, (R)osanna, (G)razia ed il suffisso ASSI a testimonianza del valore di ogni membro del gruppo. Dal 1975 ad oggi il Gruppo si è evoluto notevolmente non solo per i numerosi saloni che raccoglie sotto il suo marchio dislocati nei punti strategici della città, ma anche per aver creato una struttura, l’International Academy, punto di riferimento per la formazione di hairstylist all’avanguardia nelle tendenze moda.




Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016

Carolina RosenbergerCarolina RosenbergerCarolina RosenbergerCarolina Rosenberger

Hair: Carolina Rosenberger - SK
Collection: HairAccessories
Ph: Jan Varchola
Make-up: Zuzana Suszter


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016

Jose Boix @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaJose Boix @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaJose Boix @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaJose Boix @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaJose Boix @ Toni & Guy Academy Valencia

Hair: Jose Boix @ Toni & Guy Academy Valencia - ES
Ph: Josep Alfaro
Make-up: Kuky Gimenez
Styling: Javier Soria

Amparo Carratala @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaAmparo Carratala @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaAmparo Carratala @ Toni & Guy Academy ValenciaAmparo Carratala @ Toni & Guy Academy Valencia

Hair: Amparo Carratala @ Toni & Guy Academy Valencia - ES
Ph: David Arnal
Make-up: Amanda Asensi
Styling: Javier Soria

Leire Chouza @ Toni & GuyLeire Chouza @ Toni & GuyLeire Chouza @ Toni & GuyLeire Chouza @ Toni & Guy

Hair: Leire Chouza @ Toni & Guy - ES
Ph: Hugo Iglesias
Make-up: Malen Buesa
Styling: Ana Olazabal


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016

Kimm Koffijberg and Creative teamKimm Koffijberg and Creative teamKimm Koffijberg and Creative teamKimm Koffijberg and Creative team

Amsterdam, April 2016 – This year, Koffijberg celebrates its 40th anniversary. This inspired Kimm to launch one, comprehensive 'Tribute Collection 2016', rather than two separate collections. The first part of the collection is released in Spring, the second part in Fall. The Tribute Collection honors 'Forty years of Koffijberg'. The most iconic looks created by Kimm and Richard Koffijberg over the past decades have been translated into beautiful and wearable hairstyles anno 2016. Richard and Kimm were inspired and trained following the principles of Vidal Sassoon, the founder of contemporary hair cutting techniques. Kimm's current collection resembles the past collections in its consistent focus on the hair (rather than the 'noise' surrounding it), on constant innovation, and wearable styles. High technical standards, craftsmanship, and constant innovation are the roots Kimm builds on, both in this Tribute Collection and as a modern trendsetter. In addition, the collection refers to the 'I-dentity' concept, which Kimm recently developed and which takes hair color, hairstyle, and makeup advice to the next level. I-dentity goes beyond facial shape or skin color, and even beyond the latest trends. According to Kimm, hairstyle and makeup need to broadly emphasize your identity and lifestyle. "What do you need?", "what do you want say with your look?", "what do you want to show?"

Hair: Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team - NL
Collection: Tribute Collection 2016 – Spring
Ph: Hans Mooijer
Make-up: Dominika Swietlink
Styling: Patricia Giesbers
Creative team: Kimm Koffijberg, Pim van der Lelij, Linda de Wit
Thanks to: Keune Haircosmetics and Denman Brushes
Text: Karin Jobse, senior communication advisor
Coloring techniques: Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016

Patrick CameronPatrick CameronPatrick Cameron

Patrick CameronPatrick Cameron

Hair: Patrick Cameron - UK
Collection: Modern Vintage
Ph: Marco Erbi
Make-up: Alison Chesterton
Couture: Marco Erbi
Digital Work: Marco Erbi
Assistant: Mark Rea


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 May 2016

Tony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven Haircutters

Tony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven Haircutters

Tony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven Haircutters

Tony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven HaircuttersTony Wilson, Raven Haircutters

Inspiration came from original 1920s police mugshots from the UK and Australia they were just so beautiful …. the attitude , the hair, the fashion just seem to translate to today so perfectly I gave each of the models a "crime" and the hair was treated as a method of how the criminals would have styled their own hair, it would have been dirty or greasy or both, but always "done".

Hair: Tony Wilson, Raven Haircutters - NZ
Collection: Mugshots
Ph: Iain Smith
Stylist: Jane Mow
Retoucher: Monica Chamorrow
Models: Grayson Widdowson, Patrick Bowden, Seth Coates-chitty, Mereno Coates-chitty, Hugo Hollies, Conor Ratapu


Author: GLOBElife


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