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news n°
From gossip
13 Apr 2021

Genanaio 2020 – La bellezza ha bisogno di tempo per essere ammirata, interrogata, studiata, compresa. Ma soprattutto, per rigenerare se stessa in un flusso senza fine.

“Unending” è il trend 2020 di TheClub, attraverso cui si riscoprono scalature, graduazioni, frange e rasature. Tutto rientra in questo flusso di bellezza infinita che, con apparente semplicità e assoluta concretezza, rappresenta un lusso accessibile a tutti.

Quello che il direttore creativo, Toni Pellegrino, vuole comunicare con la collezione è l’importanza del day by day, il palcoscenico reale sul quale si muovono tutte le donne, diventando delle autentiche trendsetter. Unending è un viaggio lungo le strade, gli uffici, i party e le stazioni delle metropolitane delle capitali della moda: a New York, Londra, Milano e Parigi sfilano insieme, sulle passerelle del quotidiano, professioniste, studentesse, casalinghe e impiegate di ogni età.

“Senza sosta, senza fine. Con passione e dedizione. Il nostro impegno a servizio della bellezza non conosce battute d’arresto”- racconta Toni Pellegrino in merito al titolo della collezione – “di sicuro non abbiamo mai contato le ore dedicate al lavoro, ma sappiamo con certezza che l’amore che proviamo per la bellezza è senza fine. Così come senza fine è la bellezza”.

Le donne a cui la collezione si ispira sono donne forti e fragili, determinate e insicure, angeli e muse che incarnano ogni sfumatura della femminilità. Attraverso le stagioni e lo spazio, l’energia e la giovinezza evolvono in una bellezza senza tempo.

I colori sostengono le forme, ora catturando la luce, ora riflettendola. Tonalità calde e fredde sono specchio della Natura. I biondi raccontano tanto di spiagge e mietiture, quanto di scenari glaciali. I castani affondano le radici nella terra e vibrano grazie a sfumature sofisticate. I rossi sono ardenti e ricordano sabbie desertiche e spezie.

The Nude

Movimento e leggerezza per volumi fluttuanti. Accompagna le forme un castano multi-sfaccettato, che ricorda quello delle foglie di tabacco.

The Powerful

Un messaggio estetico forte e chiaro. La forza e la grinta sono dichiarate dalle linee decise e dalla rasatura. Il colore è quello della lava.

The Youth

Ricche di contrasti che danno profondità, lunghezze bionde evocano il fieno e raccontano d’estate.


HAIR: The Club
TECHNICAL DIRECTORS: Salvo Binetti, Eveline Pellegrino
ARTEAM: Alessio Larghetti, Leo Libardi, Antonello Lotito, Luca Morellato, Roberto Spano, Luigi Vernengo
PRODUCTS: Wella Professionals, System Professional, Sebastian Professional, Nioxin, OPI
STYLIST: Eleonora Papetti, Riccardo Rubino
MAKE-UP: Fausto Cavaleri
COPY:Stefania Pilato


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
13 Apr 2021

RETROTIC – Shogo Ideguchi

Shogo Ideguchi's latest collection imagines contemporary A.I. design given a 1950's make-over. Shogo's clean, clinical lines strong fringes and directional colours combined with pale make-up delivers a humanoid look with clothes and styling providing the warmth of 50's nostalgia.

Hair: Shogo Ideguchi
Photography: John Rawson
Make Up: Lan Grealis
Stylist: Jamie Russell
Images: FPA


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Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
13 Apr 2021

The ‘Berlin Collection’ was conceived on the streets of Berlin, where we became fascinated not only by its people, but also, by its inspiring atmosphere and the street art which is overflowing throughout the whole city. This new collection signifies freedom for both body expression and one’s own image and aims to highlight social diversity in a world that has overcome prejudice and taboos. We created six images with different hair lengths and textures: short compact hair styles, middle sized broken strands, and lengthy degrading haircuts, using both flat and embossed textures, as a nod to Eighties style.  
A wide range of colours were used, from dark chestnut to golden copper, coral and cold yellow through to platinum blond, all of them combined with colourful shades which emphasize one’s own style (inspired by Street Art and street graffiti). Styling and makeup are meant to mirror the mixture of colour and textures found in the clothing, which was used in order to create a unique style that portrays personality.

Hair by: Marco PM Team @Marco PM Estilistas
Instagram: @marcopmestilismo
Photographer & Graphic Design: Mikel Muruzabal Studio
Instagram: @mikelmuruzabalstudio
MUA: Arturo Nuez
Instagram: @bbpro_arturonuez
Stylist: Visori Fashionart
Instagram: @visorifashionartstudio
Video: Miguel Goñi
Instagram: @miguel_goni
Models: Ivy, Iulia, Amaia, Johana, Beatriz
Production: Andoni Guillén


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
13 Apr 2021
parrucchiere 2021

Secondo le rilevazioni del Centro Studi di COSMETICA ITALIA, al termine del 2020 si conferma la contrazione dei consumi, sia dei servizi che della rivendita, anche nei saloni di acconciatura, condizionati dalle chiusure obbligatorie: con una decrescita del 28,5% e un valore dell'utilizzo e della rivendita di cosmetici di poco più di 410 milioni di euro, il canale professionale dell’acconciatura rappresenta il 4,8% del totale del mercato cosmetico.

cosmetica italia

COSMETICA ITALIA – associazione nazionale imprese cosmetiche Fondata nel 1967, è l’associazione nazionale delle imprese cosmetiche che riunisce circa 600 aziende, dalle PMI alle multinazionali, rappresentative del 90% del fatturato del settore che nel 2019 ha toccato i 12 miliardi di euro. Le stime per il 2020 prevedono un calo di 12,9 punti percentuali, che porterà il valore del fatturato a 10,5 miliardi.

Persone foto creata da prostooleh - it.freepik.com

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
12 Apr 2021

This collection features an array of different hairdressing skills including precision cutting and beautifully dressed hair, showcased on looks that are very on trend today. Texture and movement plays a huge part of this collection with added softness. The results are beautiful images with an edge and a contrast of sharp and soft.

Hair: Karen Thomson, KAM Hair and Body Spa
Photography: Jack Eames
Makeup: Maddie Austin and Megumi Matsuno
Styling: Clare Frith


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
12 Apr 2021

Inspired by those anonymous creatives capable of creating impressive works without means and without pretensions. Creativity resides within oneself, wherever the individual comes from.
Embassy: passport to freedom.

Hair: Pelsynera @Pelsynera
Photographer: Oliver Viladoms Studio
Instagram @oliver_viladoms_studio
MUA: Pelsynera
Styling: Pelsynera
Video: Oliver Viladoms Studio


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Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
12 Apr 2021

'The Social' Collection – Palmer & Company

This anthology of photographs tells a story that starts at the end of the 80's early 90's. The Social follows a young man meeting his friends at the local social club. He watches a group of girls getting ready for their night out and wishes he could meet girl's like these (15 images- lifestyle and crops).

Hair: Palmer & Company Art Team
Photography: Sophie MacCorquodale
Make-up: Claire Uruhart


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
12 Apr 2021

Parisian Couture – Desmond Murray

Part of his exploration of contemporary Paris fashion, Parisian Couture
explores the shapes, textures and designs of haute couture with hair that reflects the diverse looks and styles of leading fashion houses.

Hair: Desmond Murray
Photography: Desmond Murray
Make Up: Jo Sugar
Clothes: Deanne Lewis
Images: FPA


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
12 Apr 2021
morocutti andis trimmer

MOROCUTTI, azienda di BRESCIA, leader nella distribuzione di attrezzature e prodotti per parrucchieri ed estetiste, presenta
Nuova Trimmer ANDIS Slimline Pro GTX Wide.

ANDIS Slimline Pro GTX Wide è la tosatrice professionale cordless con base di ricarica, ideale per  rifiniture, contorni e tagli a zero grazie alla testina Comfort Edge, che permette di lavorare sui dettagli in modo estremamente agevole e preciso.

Batteria al litio, motore rotativo leggero per uso continuativo 100-240 v.
50-60 hz. max 6000 spm, autonomia di  2 ore e 15 minuti,
olio lubrificante e spazzolino inclusi.


MOROCUTTI Giovanni Srl
- Distributore Esclusivo per l'Italia - 
via Cassala, 64 - 25126 Brescia | ITALY Tel + 039 030 3750257

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
12 Apr 2021
software gestionale 2021

Crea profilo Google My Business

Il primo passo per chi chiede come fare promozione per un centro estetico. La tua attività è geolocalizzata, ha un indirizzo e si trova sul territorio. Quindi ha bisogno di un profilo su Google  ... Leggi di più...


Lavora con i micro-influencer

Questa è una tecnica di promozione online molto interessante. L’influencer marketing consente di usare delle persone famose, all’interno  ... Leggi di più...


Punta sui tuoi video online

La tua attività può essere sponsorizzata grazie alla presenza di video online. Oggi questo mezzo di comunicazione è la soluzione preferita grazie alla ... Leggi di più...

facebook attività

Fai pubblicità su Facebook

Inutile ignorare l’importanza di questo social network nell’universo dell’advertising utile per una realtà legata al benessere e all’estetica. Se hai un beauty farm puoi utilizzare ... Leggi di più...


Comunica le offerte migliori

Inutile ignorare l’importanza di questo social network nell’universo dell’advertising utile per una realtà legata al benessere e all’estetica. Se hai un beauty farm puoi utilizzare ... Leggi di più...


Novisoft Srl


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
09 Apr 2021

IL RESTO DEL CARLINO, uno dei quotidiani più longevi e credibili, dedica un articolo a un Salone TOPHAIRSTYLISTS : Maurizio Sedioli

MAURIZIO SEDIOLI gestisce il Salone insieme alle figlie Francesca e Federica: "Faccio questo mestiere da 40 anni...quanti ricordi di quando lavoravo in RAI..."

Sono ben due i saloni inseriti nella TOP HAIRSTYLISTS 2021 -guida ai migliori parrucchieri d'Italia- MeF, salone parrucchiere e centro estetico, gestito da Francesca, che si trova in Viale dell'Appennino n. 209 a FORLI' (Emilia Romagna). Federica ha seguito le orme paterne diventando anche lei "parrucchiera". Con loro un team di 7 professionisti che li aiutano curando la Clientela e le loro capigliature.

Per noi è una grande emozione essere citati fra i migliori d'Italia su oltre 87.000 saloni ! ...è stata una cliente a chiamarci per prima e dirmi che eravamo in questa guida. Poi hanno iniziato a chiamarci in tanti! ...Sono 40 anni che faccio questo mestiere, imparato da mio padre. Ora ho trasmesso questa mia passione anche alle mie figlie che sono con me in salone. Ci stavamo giusto riprendendo adesso dal calo del lavoro, a seguito della chiusura e della pandemia..."

Maurizio Sedioli - Mef Salone

Un riconoscimento che arriva nel momento più buio ...

"Il ricordo amaro di questo ultimo anno, lascia posto ai ricordi più belli di quando eravamo di quando, qualche tempo fa, lavoravo per la RAI..." - spiega Maurizio - "...Ho fatto molte trasmissioni e facevo parte di un gruppo di parrucchieri da cui passavano tutti quelli che dovevano andare in onda: mi ricordo Barbara De Rossi, Milly Carlucci, Renato Zero e molti altri... Uno dei miei ricordi più belli, professionalmente parlando, è stato quello di aver lavorato per ARMANI nelle sfilate di moda a Taormina."

Leggi l'articolo su IL RESTO DEL CARLINO

Il Salone MeF di Maurizio Sedioli di Forlì
è stato eletto e pubblicato sulla Top Hairstylists 2021
- guida ai migliori parrucchieri d'Italia-


book di 240 pagine,
è distribuita gratuitamente, in allegato a
STILECAPELLI Hair Luxury Look n. 19,
la rivista di moda-capelli d’avanguardia !


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

Find out the latest hair collection called Zuri 2, made by Carole Haddad, the international hairstylist from Australia.

Hair: Carole Haddad /  @corcorzhair
Salon: Corcorz Hair
Photographer: John Rawson 
Make Up Artist: Lan Grealis 
Stylist: Jared Green


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

Inspired by ambitious architecture in Singapore, classic shapes coupled with changing geometry along with a well curated mix of texture and structure, injects new life and vibrancy into iconic styles of yesteryears.

Hair: Emma Simmons
Ph: Tony Le britton
Make-up: Paula Maxwell Makeup Advisory
Stylist: Bernard Connolly


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Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
08 Apr 2021

Luxury & Power

This collection is inspired by the tsarinas of the Russian Empire, specifically the empress Catalina la Grande (Catherine the Great) who was the greatest exponent of luxury and power.  A woman who took the reins of her life and who even conspired against her husband. Her reign lasted for 34 years during which she transformed Russia, by incorporating political changes both legal and moral. She had no qualms about having multiple lovers as long as they corresponded with luxury and wealth. Catalina was passionate about medicine, education and especially art and culture. The Winter palace in St. Petersburg where she lived, is currently the headquarters of the Hermitage Museum, which houses one of the greatest collections of art which she started from various pieces she bought during her reign.

“Luxury and power were the hallmarks of the Empress Catherine the Great".

Hair: Manuel Mon and Gonzalo Zarauza
Instagram: @manuelmonoficial
Instagram: @gonzalo_zarauza
Photographer: Pavel Zverev & Alina Paranina
Retouch: Javier Villalabeitia
Instagram: @javiervillalabeitia
MUA: Tatty Dyakova
Instagram: @Tatty_Dyakova
Stylist: Visori FashionArt
Instagram: @visorifashionartstudio


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

1st Interlace with macrame (A)

We prepare the hair by texturing roots, then we mark the middle and ends with a 38mm diameter tweezers, leaving the ends slightly less marked, we brush the hair, apply a little shine with a spray and the hair is ready to start working.
Next, we separate a section, taking the front and the sides, we reserve it, and then we take a section at the crown with which we make a ponytail.
Then, we take two strands, leaving the macrame cords in the center and make a ponytail. With a strand, we cover the hair tie.
We continue with this section and at about 5 or 6 cm we place another hair tie and make a turned bubble. We continue, doing the same step on the right side. We take the central section and 5 or 6 cm from the previous hair tie, we make a new bubble. We repeat the same step on the left side.
We continue taking a section of hair between the strings and repeat the previous steps, creating small round bubbles, but this time without intertwining the strings. We repeat the previous step on the right side.

2nd Bubble fishtail braid (B)

We start by preparing the hair by texturing the roots, then mark the middle and ends with a 38mm diameter tweezers, leaving the ends slightly less marked. We brush the hair, apply a little shine with a spray and the hair is ready to start working.
Next, we separate a section, taking the front and the sides, we reserve it and then we take a section at the crown with which we make a ponytail. We introduce the ponytail through the center of the section and remove a little fluffiness.
Next, from the previous section, we take the guide wick and make a fishtail braid of about 5 or 6 cm, and secure it with a hair tie.
We open the braid giving fluffiness and providing textures. Next, we take two sections from the sides and attach it to the middle section. We continue with our central strand and make a 5 or 6 cm fishtail braid, open it and remove the fluffiness, then secure with another hair tie.
We continue, taking the remaining hair and joining it to our central updo. Then, we separate our strand into two equal sections, in the upper one we make a fishtail braid and secure it with a hair tie. We join the remaining section with another hair tie to the previous one.
We keep on doing the previous steps (joining the central updo and separating the strand into two equal sections to then make a fishtail braid) throughout the length of the hair. We open it creating that fluffiness and destructuring it, to achieve a more natural effect.

3rd Lateral pull through braid ( C)

We start by preparing the hair by texturing roots. Afterwards, we mark means and ends with a 38mm diameter tweezers, leaving the points slightly less marked. We brush the hair, apply a little shine with a spray and the hair is ready to start working.
Next, we separate the front and the sides, take the crown section and move it to the side and make a ponytail with the hair from this section.
We take the next section, of 3cm approximately, and we make a ponytail parallel to the previous one. Next, we make with the next section the same as in the previous step, to get a third ponytail.
Afterwards, we open the first queue in two and raise the second, passing through the center, the two ends of the first queue are joined to the third. We take a new section of the remaining hair and make a new ponytail, parallel to the previous ones.
Then, with the following ponytails, we open the first ponytail in two and go up the second one, passing through the center, we join the two ends of the first ponytail to the third. And we repeat the same steps until we finish with all hair.
Finally, we open each link creating fluffiness and an unstructured feel, according to pure Medialdea Method.

4th Combo braid (D)

We start by preparing the hair by texturing the roots. Afterwards, we mark the middle and ends with a 38mm diameter tweezers, leaving the ends slightly less marked, brush the hair, apply a little shine with a spray and the hair is ready to start working.
Next, we separate the front and the sides, take a section of the crown, make a slight twist and fasten with a bun hairpin.
Then, we take the strand from this section, add a little hair from below and with this strand we make a caterpillar braid, of 6 or 7 cm.
We fix our braid with a hair tie that we cover it with a hair strand.
We continue, taking the next section that goes from the height of the eyebrow to the other eyebrow and we make a central ponytail that in turn we introduce through the center of the section.
Later, we join our caterpillar braid to this ponytail with a hair tie that we later cover with hair. Once done, we make a bubble and deconstruct it a bit. We take the rest of the hair, we attach it to our center section and cover the hair tie. Then with the entire ponytail created, we make a pull through braid up to the middle of the hair's length and fasten with a hairpin.
We open our braid creating fluffiness, following the Medialdea Method. With the excess of hair we continue making the pull through braid until finishing with all hair. We give it fluffiness and volume, as in the previous section.
To finish, we secure the end of our braid with a transparent hair tie.

Hair: Juanmy Medialdea
Hair Instagram: @juanmy_medialdea
Hair Assistant: Sergio Castillo @sergiocastillo_makeup
Photography: Jose Santo Palomo @santopalomo
Make up: Sergio Castillo
Styling: Juanmy Medialdea
Models: Lucía y Andrea


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

Texas Hollywood, the brides who demand freedom

Texas Hollywood is an unusual bridal collection. A bridal editorial that creates a new variant of the boho style, merging it with the cowboy style. That Californian touch opens us to immense landscapes full of meaning of freedom, with the pure and powerful energy of everything that begins. We believe that it is a trend that joins the bridal style and that combines very well, since it gives it a more original twist and, above all, allows breaking the image of the conventional bride. Therefore, it is ideal for those brides who want to make a difference while remaining true to themselves.

When it comes to capturing it in the image, they draw on macramé, an element that cannot lack in this theme, and which is present in belts, bracelets, hats and boots.

In the hair, it appears in all kinds of braids, with a lot of relief, fluffiness, with unstructured shapes and in laces that intermingle in the creation of the hairstyle, endowed with a lot of texture and in turn naturalness.

Another element that is incorporated in a very novel way and that clearly marks this style in the editorial is the mix of macramé between the braiding of the hair. A very trendy approach in which different fabrics are intertwined, as well as leather and metal between the hair.

In short, a collection for untamed brides and with a very marked personality that is out of the ordinary.

Hair: Juanmy Medialdea @ Juan Miguel Medialdea Peluqueros
Hair Instagram: @juanmy_medialdea
Hair Assistant: Sergio Peña Castillo
Instagram: @sergiocastillo_makeup
Photography: Alejandro Onieva
Instagram: @alejandroonieva
Retouche: Video Pablo
Instagram: @lavetafilms
MUA: Sergio Castillo y D&D
Instagram: @sergiocastillo_makeup @dydescuelasuperior
Styling: Juanmy Medialdea
Instagram: @juanmy_medialdea
Designer: Sofia Qostaly
Instagram: @sofiaqostaly
Organization: @dreams_planners_eventos
Flowers: @monicafloristas
Car: @vintagegranada
Macramé: @myzali_new_macrame
Fittings: @eventosalmeraya @cuentodehadasalmeria
Models: @firaspantera @anzhelina_ru @laugarceter @gutfreundeva @r.m.tomas


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021


Skylla, a delicate nymph transformed into a sea monster, does not lose her feminine and sensual character. Her beauty is as shocking as her eagerness to avenge evil. This makes her a wild beast of extreme beauty.

The hair shows this duality, of beauty and evil, embodied in a single presence. The edges with which her hair is transformed reveal the evil energies that move her, the rounded shapes remind us that she is a creature steeped in the mystery of the sea and the curled textures remind us of its power of transformation. And despite this, the unusual beauty that emanates surprises us.

Hair: Rafael Bueno @Rafael Bueno Peluqueros
Hair Instagram @rafaelbuenopeluqueros
Photography: Alberto Zaldívar
Photography Instagram @albertozaldivar
Retouche: Alberto Zaldívar
Retouche Instagram @albertozaldivar
Makeup: Moyses Utrera
Makeup Instagram @moysesutrera
Styling: Xisco Morales
Styling Instagram: @xissciss
Model: Patricia Checa
Instagram @pattriciacheca


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

With Spring/Summer a distant memory and mont-hs of discontent, Autumn/Winter 2020 promises to be a colourful season, with new hair trends emerging.
Sam Ashcroft from Brooks & Brooks gives his vision for the three AW20 trends clients will be asking for.

Mushroom blonde 

Mushroom Blonde a dimensional blonde with more earthy hues. It falls right in between dark brown and light blonde, working on the cooler side of the spectrum. It’s a great shade for people who are already blonde wanting to experiment with darker tones and people who are brunette wanting to add lightness. It’s low maintenance which makes it perfect for clients wanting to stretch out a little bit of extra time in between their colour appointments, whilst still making them look great on their zoom meetings. I’m loving the new Loreal Dialight shades to create this look 7.01, 8.21, 10.01 and 10.02. Using these shades to create the smoked mushroom blonde makes it feel different from the classic bronde which is traditionally more warmer and golden. 

High-vis red and coppers

The elegant red streaks seen on Alexander McQueen was an exciting moment for colour. The bright tones used to compliment the collection which featured splashes of ‘Welsh red’, the hue was chosen to mimic the beautiful red houses in Wales. Golden ember tones and cayenne sunsets are a great colour comeback for Autumn/Winter. It’s instantly glossy and shiny and a perfect statement for the new season. You can keep your red or copper looking vibrant in between colour services using colour conditioners to add a tone boost. 

Coloured roots

A lot of the colour on the catwalk had a emo edge to it, grunge and cool with pops of vivid colours. Dries van Noten and more notably, BIllie Elish, have been fronting this look. It’s a high maintenance trend with dark ends and bright neon roots creating the ultimate cool-girl statement. 
To get this look, pre-lighten the roots and then tone it with a brighten vivid pop. Perfect for brightening up a cold winter’s day!

Hair: Sam Ashcroft @ Brooks & Brooks


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Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

Un peccato che tanti HAIRSTYLISTS di elevata capacità ed esperienza non abbiano pubblicato da nessuna parte un numero di telefono, una e-mail e tantomeno un sito web.

Si dilettano a pubblicare, pubblicare, pubblicare su Facebook o Instagram ...e basta!

Se qualcuno li vuole contattare non trova i loro punti di riferimento da nessuna parte.

Se sei un hairstylist e vuoi farti notare

Ragazza foto creata da master1305 - it.freepik.com

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Apr 2021

Cerco un parrucchiere bravissimo !
Chi mi consigli nella tua CITTÀ ?

Scopri tutti i nomi e gli indirizzi dei

Author: GLOBElife


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