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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
أعرف جيدا لقضاء وتصبح أكثر جمالا!
Beauty Bazar 2011
ونحن نتوقع صورة الحملة الإعلانية والتي ستظهر قريبا في كثير من المجلات النسائية
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
Conozca a pasar bien y ser más hermoso!
Beauty Bazar 2011
Nos anticipamos a la imagen de CAMPAÑA DE PUBLICIDAD que aparecerá en breve en las revistas de muchas mujeres
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
Знайте, чтобы хорошо провести и стать еще красивее!
Beauty Bazar 2011
Мы ожидаем, образ РЕКЛАМНАЯ КАМПАНИЯ , который появится в ближайшее время на журналы многих женщин
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
Know gut verbringen und schöner werden!
Beauty Bazar 2011
Wir erwarten, das Bild des WERBEKAMPAGNE die demnächst erscheinen auf vielen Frauenzeitschriften
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
Savoir passer ainsi et à devenir plus belle!
Beauty Bazar 2011
Nous nous attendons à l'image de CAMPAGNE PUBLICITAIRE qui apparaîtra bientôt sur les magazines de nombreuses femmes
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
Know to spend well and become more beautiful!
Beauty Bazar 2011
We anticipate the image of ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN which will appear soon on many women's magazines
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
27 Jan 2011
知道花井 和变得更加美丽!
Beauty Bazar 2011
我们预期的形象 广告活动 不久将出现在许多女性杂志
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
26 Jan 2011
Nuovo palinsesto per GLOBElife.TV!
Clicca sull'immagine:
La moda autunno-inverno 2010-2011
ti aspetta a portata di...link!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
26 Jan 2011
The Italian Touch n.9 (primavera-estate 2011)
Le trasformazioni che avverranno entro l'estate 2011 comporteranno un certo RADICALISMO ed un certo impulso a cambiare.
Ecco i tre mood principali della Collezione.
Questo mood si contrappone agli eccessi concentrandosi sulla semplicità. Delicate le sfumature, i giochi di trasparenze ed i riflessi che dal biondo chiarissimo vanno a mescolarsi con le tonalità dorate. I volumi, creati con movimenti morbidi, donano un aspetto di libertà.
Il colore dei capelli passa dal biondo scuro a quello medio, attraverso tonalità naturali, come schiarite dal sole, che trasmettono freschezza ed allegria. Le forme, sono caratterizzate dalla semplicità e creano effetti a sorpresa mediante l’ausilio di trecce, frisé ed acconciature asimmetriche.
I colori sono freddi, ma richiamano il colore dell’oro mediante biondi metallici e bicolorazioni dalle tonalità contrastanti. Sia su tagli di capelli corti che su capelli lunghi e fluenti i ricci donano un apetto naturale e femminile.
HAIR: A. Labriola, R. Rosini, P.Baltieri , L. Martini
PHOTO: Amedeo M. Turello
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
26 Jan 2011
Must Babyliss PRO
MUST is BaByliss ’s new Styler dedicated to trendy and demanding Professionals.
A new high-tech appliance that comes to enhance a range of an exceptional quality.
Must Babyliss PRO Must Babyliss PRO
Exceptional features and level of performance to perfectly straighten in one smooth stroke or to create perfectly defined curls. A unique and exclusive feature: memory function. A Ceramic heating element inside the plates to heat up in seconds.
Must Babyliss PRO
Ultra smooth and long-lasting advanced floating Nanotitanium Sol-Gel 24mm plates. 10 variable heat settings (140°C – 230°C) with digital display and a total control for all hair types and styles. A unique programmable memory function that remembers the favourite temperature setting. Automatic safety switch off, activates after 72mn for safety and energy saving. The Must Styler will also win over thanks to its curved body with gloss finish but also thanks to its refined packaging, storage pouch and box, ilicone heat mat and heat fingershields and also to its 3D effect colour.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
26 Jan 2011
Intercoiffure Mondial
Intercoiffure Mondial
Intercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure Mondial
Intercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure Mondial
Intercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure MondialIntercoiffure Mondial
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 Jan 2011
Tough NEW men’s collection from D&J Ambrose: Industricity
Inspired by the iconic monochrome images of Richard Avedon’s 1980’s road trip through the American West, these images capture the essence of real men’s style. Richard’s images defined the true heroes of a real working class America, in all their gritty glory and quirky style. Industricity is homage to that masculinity and a celebration of hair with modern texture, shape and colour.
This graduated shape builds weight that creates triangular width and texture. The soft wave is strung through with multi-tonal shades of blonde and dressed with sea salt spray for texture. D&J Ambrose: Industricity
Mid length hair is tinted dark cool brown and shot through with strands of murky golds. The sides of the hair were dressed back; the top sections styled in over sized curls and piled in on themselves to create a messy Rock-a-Billy look. D&J Ambrose: Industricity
Jaw length curls were over styled and then dressed out. Chunky sections are taken and pushed back on themselves with the fingers to give volume and a matt texture. The natural hair was highlighted with dirty blondes and styled into an almost diamond like shape. D&J Ambrose: Industricity
Drenched in dark auburn, this head hugging style is cut with a sharp graphic outline and length through the crown. The look is styled flat and glossy, curved under through the fringe to add a ‘peak’. D&J Ambrose: Industricity
Hair: Ross Strong at D & J Ambrose, London
Grooming: Maureen Vivian
Photos: Trevor Leighton
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
24 Jan 2011
Clicca sull'immagine!
Sfoglia il nuovo magazine on-line
n. 27 anno 2011
Nuovo Sfogliabile Tendenza
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
24 Jan 2011
Conoscere per spendere bene
e diventare più belle!
Beauty Bazar 2011
Vi anticipiamo l'immagine della
che apparirà a breve su molte riviste femminili
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
20 Jan 2011
اوليفيرو توسكاني : ل2011 التقويم 12 pubi أنثى
Oliviero Toscani, Calendario 2011Uomo في قصر بيتي ، كشفت اوليفيرو Toscani التقويم الجديد 2011 : حملة اعتقالات للأنثى PUBI 12 الطبيعية! فوري (وربما مبالغ فيه) ردود الفعل : ماريا فيديريكا جولياني مكتب تكافؤ الفرص في فلورنسا ، وهذه الصور تتفق مع القوالب النمطية للمرأة هجوم إبقاء نوعها. أصدر وزير تكافؤ الفرص ، مارا كارفانيا ، "أمر بالكف عن نشر الرسالة" لأنه يرسل هجوما 'فكرة' لكرامة الشخص ". في ايطاليا أنه من الأفضل دائما أن أشير إلى أن تعلن : إذا الرموز والهياكل العظمية أنثى الذين يسيرون على المدرج على ما يرام ، إذا كان يتم تمثيل نسائي في جوهر أنقى يبكي كريهة. أنتجت حسنا البالون الثديين وهمية التلفزيون في المساء في وقت مبكر ولكن ربما كان ذلك على ما يزعم طباعة النفاق من الصعب التظاهر بعدم وشهدت عليه. وضع كارافاجيو ، مايكل أنجلو وGhirlandaio السراويل الآن ستتطرق أيضا على توسكانا؟
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
20 Jan 2011
Oliviero Toscana: para el calendario 2011 12 pubi femenina
Oliviero Toscani, Calendario 2011En Pitti Uomo, Oliviero Toscani presentó su nuevo calendario 2011: una redada de 12 PUBI mujer natural! Inmediato (y tal vez exagerada) reacciones: María Federica Giuliani Oficina de Igualdad de Oportunidades en Florencia, estas imágenes son consistentes con los estereotipos ofensivos a las mujeres mantenerse en su género. La ministra de Igualdad de Oportunidades, Mara Carfagna, emitió una "orden de desistir de la difusión del mensaje" porque envía una ofensiva "idea" a la dignidad de la persona. " En Italia, es siempre mejor para aludir a declarar: Si los iconos son esqueletos de mujeres que caminan por la pista está muy bien, si lo femenino está representado en su más pura esencia está llorando falta. Bueno, la televisión pechos falsos globo producido en la noche temprano, pero tal vez la impresión de parecer porque la hipocresía es más difícil de fingir que no lo han visto. Caravaggio, Miguel Ángel y Ghirlandaio puso los pantalones ahora también tocará en la Toscana?
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
20 Jan 2011
Оливьеро Тоскани: в 2011 году календарь 12 Pubi женщин
Oliviero Toscani, Calendario 2011На Pitti Uomo, Оливьеро Тоскани представила свой новый 2011 Календарь: сводка новостей от 12 Pubi ЖЕНЩИН естественно! Немедленно (и, возможно преувеличенным) реакции: Мария Федерика Джулиани по вопросам равных возможностей во Флоренции, эти образы соответствуют стереотипам оскорбительным для женщин держали их рода. Министра по вопросам равных возможностей, Мара Carfagna, выпущенных "воздерживаться для того, чтобы распространение сообщений", потому что он посылает наступление "идея", чтобы достоинство человека ". В Италии это всегда лучше, ссылаться на заявляю: Если значки женский скелеты, которые ходят взлетно-посадочной полосы в порядке, если женский представлена в чистом сущность плачет фол. Ну поддельные груди шар телевидения производится в начале вечера, но, возможно печати якобы потому, что лицемерие труднее вид, что не видели его. Караваджо, Микеланджело и Гирландайо положить брюки теперь будет также касаться Тоскане?
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
20 Jan 2011
Oliviero Toskana: für den Kalender 2011 12 Pubi weiblich
Oliviero Toscani, Calendario 2011Am Pitti Uomo, enthüllt Oliviero Toscani seine neue Kalender 2011: eine Zusammenstellung von 12 Pubi FEMALE natürlich! Sofortige (und vielleicht übertrieben) Reaktionen: Maria Federica Giuliani Büro für Chancengleichheit in Florenz, sind diese Bilder im Einklang mit Stereotypen Offensive für Frauen gehalten, ihre Art. Der Minister für Chancengleichheit, Mara Carfagna, gab eine "zu unterlassen, um für die Verbreitung der Botschaft", weil es eine "Idee" Offensive sendet, um die Würde der Person ". In Italien ist es immer besser, anspielen zu erklären: Wenn die Symbole weibliche Skelette, die die Start-und Landebahn ist in Ordnung, wenn das Weibliche in seiner reinsten Essenz weint Foul vertreten zu Fuß sind. Nun, die falschen Brüsten Ballon Fernsehen produziert in den frühen Abendstunden, aber vielleicht der Druck angeblich wegen Heuchelei schwieriger ist, so zu tun, es nicht zu sehen sind. Caravaggio, Michelangelo und Ghirlandaio setzen die Hose jetzt auch über die Toskana berühren?
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
20 Jan 2011
OLIVIERO Toscane: pour le calendrier 2011 12 Pubi femmes
Oliviero Toscani, Calendario 2011Au Pitti Uomo, Oliviero Toscani a dévoilé son nouveau calendrier 2011: un tour d'horizon du 12 Pubi féminine naturelle! Immédiate (et peut-être exagéré) réactions: Maria Federica Giuliani Office pour l'égalité des chances à Florence, ces images sont conformes aux stéréotypes offensant pour les femmes tenaient à leur genre. Le ministre de l'égalité des chances, Mara Carfagna, a émis un «ordre de s'abstenir pour la diffusion du message", car il envoie offensive une «idée» à la dignité de la personne. " En Italie, il est toujours préférable de faire allusion à déclarer: Si les icônes sont des squelettes féminins qui marchent sur la piste est très bien, si le féminin est représenté dans sa plus pure essence est crient au scandale. Eh bien la télévision ballon faux seins produite en début de soirée mais peut-être l'impression prétexte que l'hypocrisie est plus difficile de faire semblant de ne pas avoir vu. Caravage, Michel-Ange et Ghirlandaio mettre les pantalons maintenant abordera également sur la Toscane?
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
20 Jan 2011
OLIVIERO Tuscany: for the 2011 calendar 12 pubi female
Oliviero Toscani, Calendario 2011At Pitti Uomo, Oliviero Toscani unveiled its new 2011 calendar: a roundup of 12 PUBI FEMALE natural! Immediate (and perhaps exaggerated) reactions: Maria Federica Giuliani Office for Equal Opportunities in Florence, these images are consistent with stereotypes offensive to women kept to their kind.The Minister for Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna, issued a "desist order for the dissemination of the message" because it sends an 'idea' offensive to the dignity of person. " In Italy it is always better to allude to declare: If the icons are female skeletons who walk the runway is fine, if the feminine is represented in its purest essence is crying foul. Well the fake breasts balloon television produced in the early evenings but perhaps the print allegedly because hypocrisy is more difficult to pretend not to have seen it. Caravaggio, Michelangelo and Ghirlandaio put the pants now will also touch on Tuscany?
Author: GLOBElife


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