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From gossip
10 Jul 2009
Melvyn with Trevor Sorbie
Shopfitting and salon design company Melvyn Allen Design is celebrating 30 years in business in 2009. Owner Melvyn Allen believes the reason his company has prospered is because of its commitment to the salon industry. "We've created some of the smallest salons and some of the biggest", said Melvyn. "Melvyn Allen is committed to salon construction. Remaining a small company has meant all our clients have received a guaranteed high level of service". Once of the company's recent projects was the new Trevor Sorbie salon in Manchester.
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
09 Jul 2009


EXCEL, London (UK) – Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th and Monday 19th October 2009

Over 250 exhibitors, ranging from internationally renowned companies to the newest products available, will be under one roof at the hairdressing industry’s most inspiring exhibition - Salon International. Exhibitors from all over the world, covering all sectors of the hairdressing industry are on hand, showcasing the latest product innovations, techniques and developments. From a new salon computer system to finding inspiration at one of the many free stages, Salon International has something for everyone. From scissors and scissor sharpening from Buttercut, G.E.Betterton, Rand Rocket, The Scissor Sharpening Centre and Echo Centre to software solutions from Integrity, Shortcuts, Millennium and Salon Genius – Salon International provides everything today’s hairdresser needs. Salon furniture, salon design some of the latest product developments from Keune, Rusk and Global Keratin along with beauty giants Dermalogica and St Tropez are on hand to give you information and advice. To make sure you are one-step ahead, visit the New Exhibitors Zone, where you will find some of the most innovative and creative products. The extremely popular Salon Owners Lounge is back once again in 2009, providing salon owners with an opportunity to network with their peers and relax away from the main exhibition floor. Many exhibitors will be hosting free live stages, including Wahl, TIGI, Rusk, FHI Heat, Toni&Guy, BaBylisPro, and Denman. Sassoon Academy and Saco will be presenting their latest collections and the Fellowship for British Hairdressing will once again be showcasing many of the biggest and brightest names in British hairdressing throughout the three days of the exhibition. For sheer inspiration don’t forget to visit HJ’s British Hairdressing Awards Gallery sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional, where the work of the 2009 finalists for the 16 regional and specialist categories and the eight British Hairdresser of the Year nominees can be seen.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
09 Jul 2009
Inanch Hair, London, held its own Oscar's party on the evening of the Academy Awards complete with red carpet, celebrity guests, and aftershow party. Guests were treated to a Champagne reception, while the salon's television screens showed highlights from the Oscar's red carpet arrivals. Celebrity guests - all sporting hair created by the Inanch team using Great Lengths extensions - included model and TV presenter, Naomi Millbank-Smith, former pop star Michelle Heaton and glamour model Nicola McLean.

Michelle Heaton
Nicola McLean

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
09 Jul 2009

Michelle Thompson  Michelle Thompson  Michelle Thompson

Hair by Michelle Thompson from Francesco Group for Avlon Europe Make up: Wai Khan Photographs: Ernest Collins

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
09 Jul 2009


Ozzie Rizzo  Ozzie Rizzo  Ozzie Rizzo  Ozzie Rizzo

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Jul 2009


Solo poche gocce per cancellare in pochi secondi le piccole rughe di stanchezza, riducendo i fenomeni di sensibilizzazione cutanea grazie all'azione filmogena non occlusiva del COLLAGENE che riduce il contatto del make-up con la cute.

LIFTING SERUM DERMAFACE by HANTESIS è distribuito da DAVER srl Lomagna (Lecco)

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Jul 2009

Celebrities can't get enough of curls. Here are three of the best

Debra Messing

Debra Messing
"Not everyone can carry off such a vibrant shade, but Debra pulls it off effortlessly. Rather than looking brash, the multi-tonal mahogany colour complements her milky complexion and enhances her gorgeous green eyes. With naturally curly hair, it is great to see her embrace her wave and relish her trademark tresses. Not only does her hair ooze sex appeal, it also stands in line with her sassy and fun persona. While I think her colour is spot on, I'd like to see her with a little less structured style. With so much natural volume and texture in her hair, it'd be great to see her wear it a little morew dishevelled and wild, with lots of heigh at the roots". David Larcombe, FM Hair Designs, Abingdon, Oxfordshire


Debra Messing
"Madonna's style is ultra feminine, classic and oozes 40s glamour. The chic blonde hue complements the retro feel and really softens her features. Reminiscent of the stars of the silver screen and the perfect look for her age, this style definitely suits Madge. The cut is fairly basic with mid-length long layers and graduation around the face. To achieve her style, curl the strands towards the face with tongs or straightening irons, then pin them back, for that 40s charm. Introducing subtle ash blonde tones woulsd give this style a more textured look and a little extra edge". Camilla Ring, Webster whiteman, London

Heather Graham

Heather Graham
"Sweet, yet sophisticated, this slightly layered cut works perfectly with her bubbly personality, while the honey coloured highlights give her blonde base a natural looking boost. To get this look, her hair would have been roughly blow-dried then cured using hot irons to create perfectly polished loose curls. A light serum and shine spray would be applied to smooth out any frizz and give a healthy gloss. Wile this tousled style suits her, I'd like to see her with something a little more dramatic to comlement her striking bone structure. As she has a strong jawline and such promonent features, I think she could be more daring with her style options and opt for a cute elfin crop". Fiona Connolly, The Fantastic Hairdresser Company, London
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
08 Jul 2009

@Environment for DAVINES


Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
08 Jul 2009


Inside you will find information on what our team have been getting up to recently! Delve inside to read up on items such as….. FACE OF SANRIZZ MODEL COMPETITION THE BRAND NEW SANRIZZ WEBSITE THE LAUNCH OF OUR MOST RECENT SANRIZZ COLLECTIONS NEWS ON OUR CELEBRITY CLIENTS INCLUDING…..
PEACHES GELDOF AND JESSE METCALF!! …and much, much more!! Happy reading!!!
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
07 Jul 2009


AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL, 18TH OCTOBER 2009 Doors open at 7pm, Show starts at 8pm ONLINE TICKETS BOOKING: https://globelife.com/alternative/

Alternative Hair Show Teams: Ales International - Japan, Angus Mitchell - USA, Anne Veck - England, Burlingtons - England, Easy Hair -Fehringer - Austria, Klaus Peter Ochs - Germany, Mahogany - England, Malgorzata Babicz - Poland, Nicholas French - USA, Petra Mechurova - Czech Republic, Robert Cromeans - USA, Saco - England, Sanrizz - England, TIGI Creative Team - England, Tim Hartley - England

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
07 Jul 2009

“Battuta d’arresto nel I° semestre 2009 per il consumo di cosmetici. In calo dell’1,9% il valore di mercato, ancora prossimo ai 9 miliardi di euro. Attesa la ripresa nella seconda parte dell’anno.”

UNIPRO ha presentato oggi, presso il Palazzo Affari ai Giureconsulti di Milano, i dati congiunturali relativi al primo semestre e le previsioni del secondo semestre 2009. Fabio Franchina, recentemente riconfermato alla presidenza di UNIPRO per il terzo biennio consecutivo, evidenzia uno scenario industriale caratterizzato da segnali disomogenei all’interno dei singoli canali. In contrazione del 2,5% per quanto riguarda il fatturato, prossimo agli 8'100 milioni di euro, condizionato dal rallentamento del mercato interno (-1,9%) e sopratutto delle esportazioni, con un calo atteso del 4,5%. A livello internazionale, pesano sicuramente i forti condizionamenti sui consumi per effetto della crisi finanziaria che non ha ancora abbandonato la maggior parte delle economie mondiali. A livello nazionale i consumi di cosmetici sono influenzati da una propensione al consumo più cauta, sicuramente incapace di rinunciare del tutto all’uso di prodotti per l’igiene e la bellezza personale, divenuto ormai quotidiano. Se da un lato proseguono i trend positivi del consumo nei primi sei mesi dell’anno del canale farmacia, +3%, e dell’erboristeria, +2%, si avvertono in maniera evidenti le diminuzioni delle frequentazioni dei saloni professionali, acconciatura (-7,1%) ed estetica (-4%). Tiene la grande distribuzione organizzata, con un valore di mercato atteso a fine anno attorno ai 3'600 milioni di euro; cala la domanda nelle profumerie, -3% nel periodo gennaio-giugno, -2% nella seconda metà dell’anno con un valore di poco superiore ai 2'300 milioni di euro previsti per la fine del 2009. Segnali meno confortanti vengono dai produttori conto terzi che solitamente anticipano le tendenze di mercato e che prevedono una chiusura d’esercizio negativa per più di 4 punti percentuali. Le previsioni per la seconda parte dell’anno, in generale, sono caratterizzate delle incertezze congiunturali e da condizioni poco dinamiche sul versante del retail. Durante la presentazione de dati congiunturali, l’intervento di Giampaolo Fabris (Professore Ordinario Sociologia dei Consumi – Iniversità San Raffaele) sugli stili di consumo ha annunciato la prossima edizione del Sana, salone del naturale, che si terrà a Bologna dal 10 al 13 settembre. Marisa Corso, Direttore Commerciale Bologna Fiere anticipa le novità della prossima edizione. La conferenza stampa ha affrontato anche il tema dei prodotti biologici e naturali, ne parlano Antonio Argentieri (Presidente Gruppo Vendite in Erboristeria di Unipro), Riccardo Anuchinsky (Responsabile Relazioni Internazionali Icea-Cosmos: voce comune di diversi enti certificatori nazionali), Riva per NaTrue (Organizzazione di aziende che operano nel settore naturale/bilogico) e Stefano Dorato (Expert Team Natural and Organic Products – Colipa: associazione che rappresenta il 95% dell’industria cosmetica europea)
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
07 Jul 2009

Hair by Gandini Club artistic team, Verona, Italy Make-up: Stefania Pellizzaro Styling: Adrian Alvarado Photographs: Paulo Renftle

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
07 Jul 2009
William and Joshua
 Apprentice hairdresser William Sheppard got the chance to shadow ell-known hairdresser Joshua Galvin last month as part of 'make things happen' day.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
07 Jul 2009

EN CEBADO - España

Cebado propone colores enteros de raíces a puntas, sin grandes contrastes ni fisuras, con coloraciones permanentes con mezcla de dos tonos dentro de la misma gama, aclarando ligeramente las puntas para un efecto más vivo sin que prácticamente se note. PLATINO, EL RUBIO MÁS FASHION La tendencia por la que apuesta Cebado es un cabello corto de capa superior larga, con rubios fríos como el platino, con un toque nácar y brillo intenso. ORO, EL CASTAÑO MÁS TRENDY Los cabellos marrones, castaños y de tonos apagados se visten con tonalidades beige y doradas que aportan más luminosidad al cabello. BRILLO, EL MORENO MÁS SEXY El cabello oscuro necesita un toque extra de brillo para que destaque el corte, el movimiento y favorezca las facciones. En Cebado se aplica la coloración transparente de Gloss que da un brillo al cabello como de barniz y sin color.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
06 Jul 2009

Per gli uomini che amano le sensazioni forti nasce la nuova linea ENERGIC di L’Oréal Professionnel Homme. Shampoo e lozione arricchiti con estratti di Ginseng e Olio di Menta Piperita per capelli forti e sensazioni di freschezza.


Vuoi “rinfrescarti le idee” ?

Ecco il cocktail elaborato da L’Oréal Professionnel Homme per introdurre un nuovo gesto di benessere “effetto ghiaccio” dedicato alla cute e ai capelli. L’olio di menta piperita e il ginseng (estratto dalla radice) svolgono un effetto tonificante ed energizzante sul cuoio capelluto, mentre Omega 3 e Vitamina B3 Complex apportano un doppio beneficio: in cute attivano la microcircolazione del cuoio capelluto e sui capelli donano corposità e forza grazie ad un'azione nutriente. Prima lo shampoo ENERGIC con la sua formula schiumosa ideale per massaggiare e stimolare la cute. Dopo, la lozione ENERGIC si distribuisce su tutta la testa e si friziona con un vigoroso massaggio, fatto con la punta dei polpastrelli … proprio come faceva il barbiere di una volta. Ideale d’estate per rinfrescarsi le idee, diventerà anche al mattino un gesto quotidiano per uscire con la mente fresca e la cute rinvigorita.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
06 Jul 2009

Foto moda di EGIDIO BORRI Hairstylist
Arezzo (AR)

Photography by Sandro Fabbrini

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
06 Jul 2009

I Fuoriclasse - Evoluzione Loris


Foto moda del Gruppo DIADEMA di LORIS TURATI, Meda (MI)

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
06 Jul 2009


 Da qualche anno, nel mercato delle extension si è affacciata una nuova realtà: ci parlano di LUDIS (Jesolo) i titolari, Luca Calzavara e Giordano Masarin.


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
06 Jul 2009
Scarlett Johansson
"Scarlett's cut oozes 40s Hollywood glamour. The tumbling waves exude femininity and the low side parting, which is a key trend, softens her high forehead. This is a longer length than she is used to but teaming it with long layers flatters her oval shaped face. Scarlett is not one for setting a trend, normally staying on the safe side of cool, but this level of elegance will never go out of fashion. To achieve this look, invest in some large Velcro rollers to create the volume and soft waves". Amanda Brooke, Hair Associates, Taunton
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
06 Jul 2009
When Jane Bates heard she was to appear on Channel 4's Come Dine With me she headed straight for her local salon, Amanda James Hairdressing in Didsbury, Manchester, for a look to fit her Hollywood-themed evening. Stylist Andrea Davis ensured Jane looked the part, while Jane made sure the food hit the spot - winning her round of the competition.
Author: GLOBElife


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