Gossip & Beautynews ❤️
Hair: Clynol Protégé Team - UK
Ph: Jack Eames
Make-up: Maddie Austin
Clothes: Clare Frith
Art Director: John Gillespie, Catherine Scobie @ John Gillespie Hairdressing
Team Manager: Jamie Farrar
The North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA), a Professional Beauty Association (PBA) event and the most prestigious photographic hairstyling and beauty competition in North America, is pleased to announce the winners of NAHA 2014. The winners will be announced July 13, 2014 during a star-studded ceremony held at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas hosted by Giuliana and Bill Rancic. This year marks the 25th Anniversary for the prestigious photographic beauty competition Celebrating 14 unique categories, each of the 70 finalists and hundreds of other entrants put hours of work into their entries. The creative compilation features 5 elegant angels with wings made of hair and is aptly named "Celestial Cheveux."
Hair: Petra and Thomas Brockmann Knoedler - DE
At Sassoon, they realize that not everyone can get to a dedicated education centre with the frequency that they would like, so let them do the travelling! SASSOON DIRECT is ideally suited to small audiences and can last from one to five days, depending on the depth or level of education required. The up-close & personal environment allows for a higher degree of detailed instruction. Every day begins with a demonstration and the afternoon is devoted to hands-on learning. The optional addition of "walkon" presentation models can provide impact in illustrating the finished looks. Personalised diplomas are available for purchase upon request. The SASSOON DIRECT format can be delivered in an alternative venue, should your salon not be spacious enough.
PROFESSIONE LOOKMAKER continua il suo TOUR CASTING in giro per l'Italia, alla ricerca del prossimo consulente di immagine da promuovere come migliore della penisola. Le prossime date dei casting saranno il 15 giugno a l'Aquila presso Hair School di Ghilarducci Andrea e il 16 giugno ad Arezzo presso CNA.
Mettiti alla prova e partecipa anche tu alle selezioni!
Hair: Roberto Lorenzoni - Italy
Giuseppe Scognamiglio @ Donna in Progress - IT
Ph: Giuseppe Morales
Make-up: Fabiana Castaldo
Styling: Giuseppe Cotugno
FANOLA è una linea di prodotti professionali studiati e formulati per la cura e la bellezza di tutti i tipi di capelli. Grazie a formulazioni sapientemente bilanciate e all'azione combinata e sinergica di principi attivi di derivazione naturale per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di ogni tipo di capello, la linea professionale FANOLA consente di raggiungere ottimi risultati con estrema facilità.
At the end of April the U.S. cosmetics company REVLON announced its results for the first quarter of 2014. As shown in the report, the company recorded total sales of $450 million compared to $469,8 million in the first quarter of 2013, an increase of 4,4%, due to increased sales in the professional cosmetics segment, which REVLON recently accelerated with the acquisition of the Spanish cosmetics company The Colomer Group (TCG) at the end of last year.
Hair: Craig Smith @ Alter Ego Italy - AU
È ormai noto che i più famosi hairstylist delle celebrities americane e hollywoodiane, assieme ai responsabili degli Hair Department delle serie televisive e dei set cinematografici di successo, utilizzano le colorazioni e i prodotti styling italiani di IT&LY HAIRFASHION. Per esaltare la bellezza e il look di attori e cantanti americani e delle star di Hollywood il punto di riferimento per eccellenza è l'elevata qualità professionale delle soluzioni cosmetiche IT&LY HAIRFASHION. Le colorazioni e i prodotti styling di IT&LY HAIRFASHION sono di casa sui set delle serie televisive Extant, The Gambler, Revolution, Bones, S.H.I.E.L.D., NCIS, The Originals, The Hunger Games, KickIn' It e sono stati molto apprezzati sui set cinematografici di The Fantastic Four, Iron Man 3, Sex and The City, Mamma Mia e Pirates of the Caribbean. Gli splendidi risultati dei prodotti IT&LY HAIRFASHION sono sotto gli occhi di tutto il mondo!
Hair: Mahogany Creative Team - UK
Ph: Nessi
Make-up: Marco Antonio
Clothes Styling: Michelle Kelly
HERBS & HAIR è la rubrica di GLOBElife per curare i propri capelli grazie alla Natura.
Le proprietà delle piante al servizio della salute e della bellezza.
Dall'estratto di CADE si ricava un olio dalle proprietà purificanti ed astringenti del cuoio capelluto, è indicato nella cura sia dei capelli con forfora che di quelli grassi.
Da anni la Redazione di GLOBElife celebra e diffonde i prodotti meritevoli del marchio "PRODUCT of EXCELLENCE" ma... avete mai conosciuto gli uomini che governano le Aziende di queste eccellenze? Chi "manovra" le strategie prodotto? Chi detta le linee guida del marketing, del commerciale e della distribuzione dei vari Brand? Oggi la personalità del Leader d'Azienda incide in maniera determinante sul valore del Marchio.
TOMMASO CUCCOLI - Direttore Generale GHD Italia
Hair: Laura Manaira, Laetitia Immordino @ Eric Zemmnour - France
Ph: Gérard Taride
Make-up: Justine Lancelle
Styling: Louis Bohème
Model: Laetitia
Products: L'Oréal Professionnel
The bob is arguably fashion's most iconic cut. Simultaneously classic and cool, the bob is hair's equivalent of the perfect white shirt or the dream jeans; it just looks good on anyone, Coco Chanel was amongst its earliest fashion-indsustry adaptors. Today, Anna Wintour (pict. 1) is arguably the most iconic wearer of the bob in the fashion industry. Charlie Chan of Michaeljohn in London is rumoured to be the man behind fashion's most-recognisable hair, and while we often wish she'd shake things up with something a little drastic, the truth is that this hair is so iconic that the industry would probably come to a meltdown if she changed it. Newcomer to the bob-brilliance crown is Doug (pict. 2) – also known as Whitley Bay's Sarah Douglas. The current reigning catwalk queen made her debut at no less than Saint Laurent. Arizona Muse (pict. 3) beat Karlie to the cut with her super-flattering, elegant midi style, which debuted in 2011. The perfect match to her naturally wavy hair, this look reignited Arizona's career and remains a timeless classic. Erin O'Connor's (pict. 4) look is pure art-deco elegance, making a bob the perfect option. Her sleek, dark, glossy locks look fantastic with a classic A-line bob and, frankly, we can't imagine her with anything longer. Timeless elegance at its very best. Queen of the catwalk bobs is surely Linda Evangelista (pict. 5). She might have been famous for her ever-changing 'dos, but we always associate Linda best with this cut. There's a naivety to that parting and slightly awkward length; on anyone else, this verges on school geek. On Linda, it oozes appeal.
Hair: Hardy Amies @ Toni&Guy
14 delle 87 pagine della rivista GRANCHIC - Volume U sono ora on-line,
disponibili per essere sfogliate gratuitamente.
Ogni pagina raccoglie un concentrato di moda, eleganza e colore.
Fatti ispirare dalle tendenze del momento!
CHINA BEAUTY EXPO (CBE), held its 19th edition from 7th to 9th of May 2014 in the prestigious Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The fair reported excellent results, meeting expectations and going far beyond. CBE confirmed its leading position as a world-class trade platform for international beauty companies. This success was driven by the fast growth of the beauty market in the Asia-Pacific region, with China at the center. Over two decades of existence, CBE has strenghtened its position as a major actor in the booming Chinese economy.
Hair: Laurent Micas
Stylist: Lucie Lehair
Make-up: Laetitia Isidro