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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
Cecilia Bellotto descalificado de Miss Italia
Cecilia Bellotto
Cecilia Bellotto, ya admitidos en el nacional antes de la final, fue excluido del concurso de belleza de Miss Italia a causa de unas fotos desnuda aparecieron en la Internet. El gerente regional de Dario Diviacchi, de acuerdo con el departamento jurídico de Miss Italia, envió a la niña de la descalificación en el artículo 8 del Reglamento, que establece que "los competidores no deben haber sido retratados en poses desnudas o indecentes ". Reacciones opuestas del público y la prensa: por un lado, los que aprobaron la decisión en apoyo de una imagen de la señorita "agua y jabón", por el otro están los que creen que la sentencia del resultado de las actitudes hipócritas: Luciano Silighini Garagnani, buscador de talentos y la directora de casting, es uno de los últimos, señalando que Cristina Chiabotto, inmediatamente después de ganar el título de Miss Italia 2004, lanzó una campaña publicitaria que vio a su fondo plano desnudo hermoso.No antes, después de tan corto!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
Сесилия Bellotto дисквалифицирован Мисс Италия
Сесилия Bellotto
Сесилия Bellotto, уже допущенных к национальным предварительно финала, была исключена из конкурса красоты Мисс Италия из-за некоторых обнаженные фотографии появились в Интернете.Региональный менеджер Дарио Diviacchi, по согласованию с юридическим отделом Мисс Италия, послал девушке дисквалификации в соответствии со статьей 8 Положения, в котором говорится, что «конкуренты не должны были изображены в позах, обнаженные или неприличный ». Напротив реакции публики и прессы: с одной стороны, те, кто принял решение в поддержку образ мисс "мылом", а с другой те, кто считает приговор результате лицемерной отношения: Лучано Silighini Garagnani, талантов и кастинг-директор, является одним из последних, указывая на то, что Кристина Chiabotto, сразу после победы на титул Мисс Италия 2004, он начал рекламную кампанию, что видел ее красивое переднем плане голый зад. Не до, после так коротка!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
Cecilia Bellotto von Miss Italien disqualifiziert
Cecilia Bellotto
Cecilia Bellotto, bereits an die nationalen Vor-Finale gab, war von der Schönheit Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen Miss Italien , weil einige Nacktfotos im Internet auftauchten. Der Regional Manager Dario Diviacchi im Einvernehmen mit der Rechtsabteilung der Miss Italien, schickte das Mädchen Disqualifikation nach Artikel 8 der Verordnung, wonach "Konkurrenten dürfen nicht in Posen dargestellt worden sind Staaten nackt oder unanständige ". Gegenüber Reaktionen der Öffentlichkeit und der Presse: auf der einen Seite diejenigen, die die Entscheidung zur Unterstützung der ein Bild von Miss "Wasser und Seife" genehmigt, auf der anderen Seite sind diejenigen, die den Satz das Ergebnis der heuchlerischen Haltung glauben: Luciano Silighini Garagnani, Talentscouts und Casting-Direktor, gehört zu den letzteren und wies darauf hin, dass Cristina Chiabotto, unmittelbar nach dem Titelgewinn der Miss Italien 2004, er eine Werbekampagne, die ihre schönen Vordergrund nackten Hintern sah ins Leben gerufen. Nicht vor, nach so kurz!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
Cecilia Bellotto disqualifié de Miss Italie
Cecilia Bellotto
Cecilia Bellotto, déjà admis à l'échelle nationale pré-finale, a été exclu du concours de beauté Miss Italie en raison de certaines photos nues est apparu sur l'Internet. Le directeur régional de Dario Diviacchi, en accord avec le département juridique de Miss Italie, a envoyé la disqualification fille vertu de l'article 8 du règlement, qui stipule que «les concurrents doivent pas avoir été dépeint dans pose nue ou indécent ». Réactions face du public et la presse: d'une part ceux qui ont approuvé la décision à l'appui d'une image de Miss "eau et du savon", d'autre part sont ceux qui croient que la peine du résultat de l'attitude hypocrite: Luciano Silighini Garagnani, découvreur de talents et de la directrice de casting, est parmi les derniers, en soulignant que Cristina Chiabotto, immédiatement après avoir remporté le titre de Miss Italie 2004, il a lancé une campagne publicitaire qui a vu ses fesses au premier plan beaux nus. Pas avant, après si peu!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
Cecilia Bellotto disqualified from Miss Italy
Cecilia Bellotto
Cecilia Bellotto, already admitted to the national pre-finals, was excluded from the beauty contest Miss Italy because of some nude pictures appeared on the Internet. The regional manager Dario Diviacchi, in agreement with the legal department of Miss Italy, sent the girl disqualification under Article 8 of the Regulation, which states that "competitors must not have been portrayed in poses nude or indecent ". Opposite reactions of the public and the press: on the one hand those who approved the decision in support of an image of Miss "soap and water", on the other are those who believe the sentence the result of hypocritical attitudes: Luciano Silighini Garagnani, talent scout and casting director, is among the latter, pointing out that Cristina Chiabotto, immediately after winning the title of Miss Italy 2004, he launched an advertising campaign that saw her beautiful foreground bare bottom. Not before, after so short!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
张柏芝Bellotto,已经考上了国家预决赛,被排除在选美小姐意大利由于一些裸体照片在互联网上出现。区域经理达里奥Diviacchi,在与意大利小姐的法律部门的协议,派出8条规定的规例,其中规定:“参赛者必须没有被取消资格造成描绘的女孩裸体或不雅“。对面反应公众和新闻界:一方面那些谁批准的小姐“肥皂和水”的形象支持的决定,另一方面是那些谁相信这句话的虚伪态度的结果:卢西亚诺Silighini Garagnani,人才发掘和选角导演,是其中后者,指出克里斯蒂娜Chiabotto后,立刻赢得了2004年意大利小姐称号,他发动了广告攻势,见证她的美丽前景的光屁股。不前,经过这么短!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
22 Aug 2011
Cecilia Bellotto squalificata da Miss Italia
Cecilia Bellotto
Cecilia Bellotto, già ammessa alle prefinali nazionali, è stata esclusa dal concorso di bellezza Miss Italia a causa di alcune foto di nudo apparse su internet. Il responsabile regionale Dario Diviacchi, d'intesa con l'ufficio legale di Miss Italia, ha comunicato alla ragazza la squalifica in base all'articolo 8 del regolamento, secondo il quale "le concorrenti non devono essere state ritratte in pose di nudo o sconvenienti". Opposte le reazioni del pubblico e della stampa: da un lato chi approva la decisione, a sostegno di un'immagine di miss "acqua e sapone", dall'altro chi ritiene la condanna frutto di atteggiamenti ipocriti: Luciano Silighini Garagnani, talent scout e casting director, è tra quest'ultimi, sottolineando come Cristina Chiabotto, subito dopo aver vinto il titolo di Miss Italia 2004, fu lanciata in una campagna pubblicitaria che vedeva in primo piano il suo bel sedere nudo. Prima no, dopo sì insomma!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
19 Aug 2011
Celebrate your industry!
Salon Int. 2011
There’s only two months to go until Salon International opens its doors to the thousands of hairdressing professionals that flock to London every year, not only to celebrate the very best the British hairdressing industry has to offer, but soak up the atmosphere, get inspired by some of the world’s greatest creative teams and be educated by their hairdressing heroes.
The Hair Show forms the foundation of the event, offering over 200 exhibitors with thousands of products and services on show, live demonstrations and promotions and some fantastic free stages where you can see some real-time hairdressing action.
Salon Live is offering a great line up of world-class artistic teams presenting their inspirational catwalk shows; Salon Seminars bring education to another level with their detailed presentations, whilst Business Extra (sponsored by Salon Genius), will help even the most savvy salon owners and managers sharpen their business acumen.
Author: GLOBElife
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19 Aug 2011
CebadoCORTOS: Cebado apuesta por los cabellos cortos que dibujan energía y naturalidad en las facciones, a la vez que transmiten una inequívoca sensación de lujo y feminidad. El cabello corto siempre resulta cómodo, básicamente porque no exige las atenciones de una melena, pero además con la técnica de corte de Cebado añadimos un plus de estilo y realzamos aspectos estéticos que a la mujer le gusta lucir.
CebadoMEDIAS MEDIDAS: En las melenas cortas se demuestra todo el ejercicio profesional con una exquisita técnica de corte, que concede más volumen a la coronilla y alarga la nuca con una base cóncava. Los laterales son ligeramente ovalados, trabajados con escalados ascendentes y peinados hacia la cara para dar un aire de sensualidad suave y natural.
CebadoMELENAS: Ondas y rizos se combinan según la ocasión ganando volumen de medios a puntas, recreando siempre formas muy sensuales y femeninas. Se trabajan con la misma técnica de corte, ajustando la medida a los deseos personales.
CebadoHOMBRES: Esta temporada las medidas se alargan discretamente y los cortes buscan una sensación de mayor densidad capilar y menor rigidez. Se dibujan los contornos, desaparecen los tupés y destacan los movimientos sobre la frente sin artificios.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
19 Aug 2011
Max Hair
Hair Collection
Max HairMax HairMax Hair
Max HairMax HairMax Hair
Hair by: Max Hair, Italy
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
19 Aug 2011
Made in Marylebone
Made in ChelseaMark Woolley and the team at Electric Hairdressing London have been announced as the official hair stylists for the new Channel 4 reality show, Made in Chelsea and will be appearing throughout the series. In a recent episode, two of the show's stars, Alexandra (Binky) Felstead and Ollie Locke, paid a visit to the Marylebone salon for a pampering session which included the signature Electric Hair Ceremony treatment.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
18 Aug 2011
Pump up the volume & Spice up your hair
The Autumn/Winter trends 2011-2012 by Anne Veck
This is the latest trend collection by Anne Veck, one of U.K.'s most talented Hair+ angels (long hair and hair extensions specialists) with a passion for avant garde creations. She shows off her feminine and edgy sides in great designs that will get you through the cold autumn/winter days with a smile.
Anne Veck
Pum up the Volume: Designs with strong personalities, perfectly mastered up-do's, smooth and beautiful hair. These head turning designs will inspire both stylist and consumer this autumn / winter.
Anne Veck
Spice up your life: A different side this season is a more fierce, power woman, side. Undercut hairstyles,'Mohawk-style' fringes, bobs and bright colors will be many shown styles on the streets. Besides edgy the looks are also dramatic and sexy – a perfect combination for a powerful woman!
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
18 Aug 2011
Nettare di Bellezza per ritrovare il naturale splendore dei capelli
KemonDa sempre gli olii sono stati considerati ingredienti preziosi dei rituali di bellezza per le loro proprietà antiossidanti, emollienti e protettive.
Ispirandosi a queste antiche tradizioni KEMON svela il segreto di capelli sani e lucenti e presenta ACTYVA BELLESSERE OIL:un vero e proprio nettare di bellezza che nutre, ripara e protegge la fibra capillare. Il prodotto nasce da una combinazione di numerosi olii naturali tra cui:
OLIO DI SEMI DI ARGAN: ricco di Vitamina E ed Omega 6, è l’alleato perfetto per nutrire e proteggere i capelli dalle aggressioni esterne, svolgendo allo stesso tempo un'efficace azione anti età. Dona morbidezza nutrendo e rivitalizzando i capelli secchi.
OLIO DI SEMI DI LINO: svolge un’azione protettiva, nutriente ed emolliente che previene e cura i danni derivanti da una eccessiva disidratazione. È un prezioso alleato che aiuta a donare ai capelli luminosità e setosità.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
18 Aug 2011
DANIELLE BROOKERS wins Total Beauty Awards 2011
Danielle Brookers La Biosthetique recently held its Société Francaise de Biosthetique (SFB) creative evening, incorporating the SFB Total Beauty Awards 2011. Young stylists were initially asked to submit an image of their work, with 10 finalists choosen to present their total look - showing cut, colour, make-up and clothes - in front of a panel of judges, including international session stylist Natalie Curtis. First place was awarded to Danielle Brookers of MC2 in Warrington, Cheshire.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
18 Aug 2011
VIDAL SASSOON judged Sassoon Snapshot Competition
Sassoon Sassoon
30 June 2011: Sassoon Snapshot Competition. It has been judged bay Vidal Sassoon himself! Five lucky winners have received a limited-edition hairbrush and copy of Sassoon's biography. All their work were inspired by creation of Vidal Sasoon.
Author: GLOBElife
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17 Aug 2011
Haringtons hairdressing
Haringtons hairdressingHaringtons hairdressingHaringtons hairdressing
Haringtons hairdressingHaringtons hairdressingHaringtons hairdressing
Haringtons hairdressingHaringtons hairdressingHaringtons hairdressing
This glamorous couture collection is inspired by hindered lines, ergonomic cuts, sculpted volumes, theatrical silhouettes and has metallic effects with liquid and powdery colour.
Hair: Haringtons Artistic Team
Make-up: Maddie Austin
Clothes stylist: Harriet Cotterill
Products: L’Oréal Professionnel
Photography: Jack Eames
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
17 Aug 2011
Hob Salons
Hob Salons
The HOB Salons group has announced a "no increase price promise" across all its branches until January 2013. The move aims to reassure the group's clients in the current economic climate.
Author: GLOBElife
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17 Aug 2011
Le Mindu
L'ORÉAL PROFESSIONNEL choose avant-garde hairdresser and London Fashion Week favourite CHARLIE LE MINDU presenting on stage at the L'Oréal Colour Trophy Grand Final on 4 Jly. Charlie, renowned for his dramatic catwalk collections, has worked with 10 talented young hairdressers from the L'Oréal Professionnel Portfolio team. Also appearing at the L'Oréal Colour Trophy was Guy Kremer, inspiring a show incorporating elegant and sohpisticated styles.
Author: GLOBElife
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16 Aug 2011
KERASTASE rivela il suo primo trattamento ristrutturante
LAIT SUBSTANTIF (Système pro-supplenium + collagene): Trattamento «filler» ultra leggero per un effetto corporizzante sulla fibra capillare. Con risciacquo.
MOUSSE SUBSTANTIF (Système pro-supplenium + collagene): Mousse modellante per donare forma e corpo al capello affinato e indebolito. Tenuta lunga durata ed effetto corporizzante senza appesantire il capello.
Author: GLOBElife
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16 Aug 2011
Raffel Pages
Colección CHIC-ORDER de T&T by Raffel Pages
Look total con inspiración 60's, un retro con encanto al estilo Twiggy. Cortes limpios y estructurados con formas redondeadas. Colores Energy trasladados al cabello nos aportan un toque de frescura y vitalidad. Vuelven los volúmenes y peinados de rizos controlados y los tirabuzón de rulo que será el rey. Los volúmenes son muy construidos y sofisticados, ya sea usando postizos o sin ellos, para crear volúmenes extremos.
Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages
Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages
Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages
Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages
Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages
Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages
Peluquería y maquillaje: RAFFEL PAGES
Fotografía: S. Jasanada para Raffel Pages
Author: GLOBElife


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