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From gossip
31 May 2012
Il settore professionale rinnova la sua presenza
con BEAUTY BAZAR sulle riviste femminili in edicola.
Continuano le campagne pubblicitarie che si concluderanno in giugno e che alternativamente evidenzieranno i migliori operatori del settore:
le Aziende, i Distributori/Grossisti ed i Parrucchieri.
Questa è la settimana dedicata alle AZIENDE!
Beauty Bazar
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
31 May 2012
The seriously cool London squad
Bed Head has brought together a talented group of cutting-edge bloggers, stylist and designers to represent the brand as the Bed Head Street Squad.
The creative collective has been gathered to provide an insight into what interests urban youth and will help TIGI and Bed Head Street Squad are (l-r) Andy Moore, music blogger and features writer; Harriet Verney, editor of Pigmee magazine; Nicholas Saunders, freelance screen printer and illustrator; Louie Banks, photographer to the stars; Lucy Wearing, make-up artist, musician and lecturer at London College of Fashion; Stevie Style, London-based stylist and menswear designer; Mimi Wade, studying fashion print at central Saint Martins; and Sami Knight, hairdresser and session stylist.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
31 May 2012
Intercoiffure Mondial
La Intercoiffure Mondial, primera organización internacional de alta peluquería, celebró este marzo en Gino's de Insurgentes, el relanzamiento de la Intercoiffure en México, con la presencia de la mesa directiva y miembros fundadores. Desde sus inicios, el principal objetivo de la Intercoiffure, fue promover el arte en la profesión del estilismo, cosa que le dio la fuerza suficiente para convertirse en la organización de peinado más grande a nivel mundial, existente en 55 países. Hoy en día la ICD cuenta con más de 6000 miembros, desde empleados hasta juniors.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
31 May 2012
HARMONY fue uno de los protagonistas de la última FASHION WEEK, celebrada en la ciudad italiana de Milán. Las uñas de las modelos que desfilaron por la pasarela transalpina lucieron su máximo esplendor gracias al trabajo del técnico español Pedro Fernández, a cargo de HARMONY PORTUGAL, y del también monitor internacional Antonio Sacripante.
Fashion WeekFashion Week
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
31 May 2012
Smurthwaite e EaglesSmurthwaite e EaglesSmurthwaite e EaglesSmurthwaite e Eagles
Hair by Scott Smurthwaite & Will Eagles
Make up by Lee Pearson
Photo by Jack Eames
Styling by Claire Frith
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 May 2012
KOMIS, azienda di Torino, è una società produttrice di cosmetici per capelli, specializzata nella progettazione, la ricerca e la produzione di linee cosmetiche per stilisti acconciatori. Grazie alla lunga esperienza ed un laboratorio efficiente, in collaborazione anche con istituti universitari, offrono prodotti di assoluta affidabilità affinché il parrucchiere possa esprimersi da artista.
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Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 May 2012
Zebra Awards
Hair by JFK likes to celebrate in its own unique way, and its annual Zebra Awarda are just one example of this. Not only did the awards celebrate the hairdressing tlaents of staff from the group's two Edimburg salons, prizes, were also given for Seviest Male and Most Excitable Team Meber, among others. The night also included an assistant competition where trainees were asked to make a zebra headpiece. The zebra heads are a permanent decorative fixture at the Hair bu JFK in Bruntsfield, and the inspiration for the award's name. Winner of the Assistant competition was Danielle Murphy. Other winners on the night included: Best Stylist Nicky Brown, Best Newcomer Katie Jane, Best Receptionist Tracey Gray.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 May 2012
Kérastase Soleil aiuta a contrastare gli effetti dannosi sul capello provocati dal sole grazie alla Tecnologia Filtre Photo-Défense. SOLEIL Huile lactée è un prodotto bi-fasico che aiuta a proteggere ed ammorbidire la fibra capillare. HUILE LACTÉE è il primo olio bi-fasico di Kérastase che protegge, nutre e disciplina i capelli a lungo. Garantisce protezione grazie ai Filtri UVA e UVB. Con la Vitamina E anti-ossidante e lo Xylosio aiuta a proteggere dagli effetti negativi del calore. Apporta nutrimento perché arricchito con Ylang Ylang, conosciuto per le sue proprietà idratanti. Infine la parte oleosa della formulazione disciplina il capello e amplifica l'effetto anti-crespo sulla fibra.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 May 2012
Mauro SanturroMauro SanturroMauro SanturroMauro SanturroMauro Santurro
Hair: Mauro Santurro
Photo: Mario Caponi
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 May 2012
Attenzione alle truffe
La Redazione di Tendenza, Hair Styles, Queen e Prince segnala l'attività di truffatori che si presentano come loro operatori.
Attenzione alle truffe
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 May 2012
Ci lascia Rolando Elisei, noto artista dell'hairstyle, conosciuto come "il Parrucchiere delle Dive". Alle sue abili mani si sono affidate infatti generazioni di personaggi dello spettacolo. Per anni Rolando ha detto autorevolmente la sua su riviste di settore, televisione e sulle migliori passarelle. Grazie a lui e alle sue accademie migliaia di giovani hanno potuto formarsi ed avviarsi alla professione dell'hairdresser. Numerosi i suoi saloni, diffusi in tutta italia. Lascia due figli e, come tutti i grandi, un prezioso esempio.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 May 2012
Il salone "Diva" sito nel cuore di Busto Arsizio, in provincia di Varese, è in grado di offrire ogni genere di trattamento e servizio, dalla stiratura con keratina ai trattamenti anticaduta.
Affiliato a "LUIGI BURATTI Atelier" ne garantisce gli elevati standard qualitativi
Luigi buratti Atelier
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Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2012
Alternative Hair Fondation
Alternative Hair Fondation
The Founder and Director of The Alternative Hair Show, Tony Rizzo is very proud to announce that Alternative Hair has been given charitable trust status. This amazing news is all the more poignant as 2012 marks the 30th anniversary of Alternative Hair, during which time many of the world's greatest hairdressers and hairdressing teams have appeared across the globe at Alternative Hair events in the UK, USA, Austria, Korea, Italy and Russia. The 2012 Alternative Hair Show will be held on Sunday 14th October, 30 years after the first Alternative Hair Show was held at London's Camden Palace and adding funds to the £8.5 Million that has so far been raised in support of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2012
Trevor SorbieIconic, world-renowned, multi-award-winning London hairdresser Trevor Sorbie MBE and his talented team believe in always aiming for the highest standards in hairdressing. Their Salon X-Clusive range comprises the high quality, easy to use products essential for hairdressers and their clients to achieve this excellence – whether in salon, at shows, shoots or seminars. All Salon X-Clusive products are paraben-free and where used with heated appliances include heat protection. They are developed to a high specification for the Trevor Sorbie team and are rigorously tested in their flagship salon in fashion capital London and on shows, shoots and seminars, only being launched when the team is happy they meet the exacting standards they demand.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2012
HARMONY presenta los sugerentes GELISH MAGNETO, seis atractivas propuestas para uñas de pies y manos. La tecnología de los imanes crea destacados efectos en las uñas, gracias a las características especiales de los nuevos MAGNETO, unas partículas metálicas que se encuentran en los pigmentos. Tus uñas se transforman inmediatamente. ¡Sorprende a tu clientela y magnetízales con HARMONY! Sólo tienes que elegir el dúo que más se acopla a los deseos de cada clienta. La magia imantada de HARMONY hará el resto.
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2012
Salone BiceSalone BiceSalone Bice
Salone BiceSalone BiceSalone Bice
Hair by Salone Bice - Bologna
Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 May 2012
Avant-garde looks made in Chelsea
Student stylists from Kensington and Chelsea College impressed a panel of industry experts with a series of creative avant-garde makeovers.
The trasformations were created by hair and beauty students graduating at NVQ Levels 1, 2 and 3, and the theme was Hollywood glamour.
Photographs of the finished looks were exhibited and judged, and the winners were announced at the students' graduation ceremony. Winners bagged a range of prizes, including training vouchers for the Goldwell Academy. Winners included: Level 3 winner Wayne Curtis; Level 2 winner Michelle Jackson and Level 1 winner Fatma Cedeci.
Farida Mafhoum took first place in Beauty category for her creative use of make-up.
Author: GLOBElife
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25 May 2012
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Author: GLOBElife
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25 May 2012
A InterCHARM MILANO trucco in primo piano con CHARM MakeUp: tendenze, collezioni e novità di prodotto con i brand più noti e le dimostrazioni live dei top make-up artist. Nel settore Perfumery&Cosmetics,CHARM MakeUp è l'iniziativa organizzata in collaborazione con Allure e Trucco & Bellezza. Creato per facilitare l'incontro di professionisti e brand di make-up internazionali, CHARM MakeUp è la perfetta combinazione di presenza fieristica ed evento in grado di delineare i trend di riferimento, con un progetto comunicativo a tutto tondo.
Intercharm MilanoIntercharm MilanoIntercharm Milano
Intercharm Milano
Intercharm Milano
Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
25 May 2012
In occasione del terzo anniversario dell'apertura del salone Lino Sorrentino parrucchiere Top a Roma, ospiti V.I.P. e aperitivo con lo staff Artemis al completo!
In via Monte Bianco 1/A, Colleverde, al km 16 di via Nomentana alle ore 17,00.
In omaggio un trattamento ristrutturante alla Keratina Tecna (Bio-ethical company).
Author: GLOBElife


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