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From gossip
30 Nov 2016

“The winning photographic collection, called Genesis, was created with the aim on inspiring and empowering these women, as well as women globally.” Simone Lee.

HAIR: Simone Lee – AU
Collection: Genesis
Ph: Elsa Jean, Norvek Studios
Make-up: Nikki Burnell
Creative Design and Direction: Simone Lee
Models: Aeisha Blurton, Narelle Robinson, Tianna Colbung, La-Toya Phillips, Nikeete Robinson
Aboriginal liaison and stylisation co-ordinator: Cara Taylor


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 Nov 2016

Hair: J.7 Artistic Team – DE
Collection: Happy chic
Ph: Vlado Golub
Post Production: Vlado Golub


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
30 Nov 2016


Fondata nel 1913 da Piero Mora, l'Azienda SILVIO MORA è una delle più antiche d'Europa tra quelle operanti nel settore dei cosmetici per Acconciatori ed è specializzata nello sviluppo di prodotti coloranti per capelli che costituiscono attualmente l'80% del suo fatturato.

Produce esclusivamente per terzi, in ambito nazionale ed estero con formulazioni proprie, non standardizzate ma create in base alle specifiche di ogni Cliente.

Dispone di un proprio laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo, dotato di strumentazione all'avanguardia per il controllo qualità sulle materie prime e sul prodotto finito.

Guarda lo SPOT !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 Nov 2016

HAIR: Laurent Micas – France
Collection: Beauty Queen
Ph: Cédric Chen Man Tsuan
Make-up: Maureen L.
Stylism: Cédric Chen Man Tsuan
Model: Julie Journiac


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
29 Nov 2016

Hair: Haute Coiffure Francaise – FR
Collection: Rupture
Ph: Thomas Lachambre
Make-Up: Frédérique Van Espen
Stylisme: Karina Senyk
President World: Francis L.Rhod
Vice President World and Art Production: Nicolas Christ
Art Direction: Laurent Decreton
Artistic Collaboration: Pascale Deleuze
Creative Team: Sophie Bauçais, Jérémy Blanc, Véronique Dumazet, Christophe Gaillet , Laetitia Guenaou, Philippe Laurent, Laurent Tourette, Éric Zemmour
Casting: What Else Agency
Design: Bastidehugo


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
29 Nov 2016

HAIR: Gabriella Viezzer – Pieve di Soligo (Treviso), Italia
Ph: Alberto De Mori


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
28 Nov 2016


Hair accessories were huge at Fashion Week A/W16, with embellished hair proving to be a key beauty trend of the new season.

ANNA SORBIE, bridal hair and beauty specialist, reveals how to take this trend for hair adornments from the catwalk to the aisle

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
28 Nov 2016

amore parrucchiere


Da sempre la storia tra una donna e il suo parrucchiere è un rapporto travagliato di amore e odio.

Le storie donna-parrucchiere sono fatte di abbandoni, ritorni, delusioni e aspettative a volte coronate, altre infrante. Quello che le donne chiedono al parrucchiere è che indovini la loro personalità, i loro desideri e magari anche il loro umore, trasformando l'intuizione in una perfetta scultura a forbici e colore.

Vogliono qualcuno che le faccia sentire belle quando entrano con in testa un riccio e che belle le faccia diventare veramente e in meno di un'ora, possibilmente.

Poi c'è l'amore a prima vista, quello di quando entri in un salone e tutto è perfetto e ti corrisponde: dalla musica, al colore delle pareti. Momenti in cui perfino il profumatore d'ambiente ti manda in estasi.

E gli amori a distanza? Sono quelli che incontri al mare o in trasferta per lavoro: amori impossibili che sai non dureranno e per questo ti sembrano perfetti.

Tenete duro parrucchieri, si sa che le donne chiedono molto, ma se le conquisterete sarà per tutta la vita.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
25 Nov 2016



Racoon International's creative director Andrew Barton coached the eight-strong artistic team at the company's Summer Congress.

Andrew shared his consumer understanding of messaging, marketing, product and customer service.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
25 Nov 2016


HAIRCAFÉ: il FORUM-BLOG della bellezza

HAIRCAFÉ è il blog della bellezza e dei parrucchieri. Contiene notizie utili e gossip sul mondo dei capelli e della moda.

Clicca e scopri:

  • Notizie di mercato del settore Beauty
  • Gossip e curiosità sulla moda-capelli
  • Offerte di lavoro
  • Discussioni e dibattiti sugli argomenti più scottanti

Rimani sintonizzato su HAIRCAFÉ: il forum-blog della bellezza !

Clicca e commenta, scrivi i tuoi articoli, lancia le tue discussioni e dì la tua.

Clicca ed entra in HAIRCAFÉ !

Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
25 Nov 2016


propone a migliore formazione per parrucchieri on line.

I video didattici mostrano tecniche di tagli e/o acconciatura step by step,
mentre lo speaker ti guida passo dopo passo nelle varie fasi della realizzazione.

Scarica subito il primo VIDEO CORSO GRATIS !

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
24 Nov 2016

INSPIRATION: The main inspiration for me was a movie I watched when I was 19. Nouvo Cinema Paradiso – The plot was set a few years after World War II. A Six-year-old boy Salvatore is the mischievous, intelligent son of a war widow. He discovers a love for films and spends every free moment at the movie house, Cinema Paradiso. Although they initially start off on tense terms, he develops a friendship with the fatherly projectionist, Alfredo, who takes a shine to the young boy and often lets him watch movies from the projection booth. During the shows, the audience can be heard booing when there are missing sections, causing the films to suddenly jump, bypassing a critical romantic kiss or embrace. The local priest had ordered these sections censored, and the deleted scenes are piled on the projection room floor. 40 years later and after the death of his mentor, Salvatore is given an unlabeled reel. He watches Alfredo’s reel and discovers that it comprises a very special montage. It contains all of the romantic scenes the priest had ordered cut from movies; Alfredo had spliced the sequences together to form a single film. Translated here through classic black and white, a sense of romanticism, provocation and freedom through hair design.

HAIR: Emiliano & Lisa Vitale @ é SALON – AU
Collection: Sinuous
Ph: Paul Scala
Make-up: Chereine Waddell
Styling: Jonathan Ailwood


Author: GLOBElife
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From gossip
24 Nov 2016

“Like a well tailored suit that has precise lines and a classic shape meant to fit the individual, the haircuts and styles in this collection do the same. Each cut has precision lines and geometric shapes suited for the model’s features…”

HAIR: David Barron @ Barron’s London Salon – USA
Collection: Tailored Lines
Ph: John Rawson
Make-up: Lan Nguyen-Grealis
Clothes Styling: Marika Page & David Barron


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
23 Nov 2016

Jason Hall Jason Hall Jason Hall

Jason Hall Jason Hall

Hair: Jason Hall - UK
Collection: BHA
Ph: Desmond Murray
Make-up: Kelly Cripps
Styling: Alastair J Gourley
Models: Colours Agency


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
22 Nov 2016

Ryan Forsythe @ Trevor Sorbie Ryan Forsythe @ Trevor Sorbie Ryan Forsythe @ Trevor Sorbie Ryan Forsythe @ Trevor Sorbie

"A story of good guys trying to look bad, with a forced arrogance and "don't care" attitude, in a vain attempt to be the coolest 'players' on the street. Each style comes with a sense of rebellion and tells its own story; from an angry rugged fringe or wild Afro texture, to a Bowie-esque sweep and a fierce samurai topknot."

HAIR: Ryan Forsythe @ Trevor Sorbie - UK
Collection: Players
Ph: Davide Sometti
Make-up: Philippa Miles


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
22 Nov 2016


FACEBOOK litiga col fisco anche negli Stati Uniti: si parla di 5 miliardi di dollari di tasse che non sarebbero state versate.

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
22 Nov 2016

Royal Hair Hornsby

Renowned for their love of Moroccan hospitality, culture and décor, award-winning Sydney, Australia hair salon, ROYAL HAIR, has unveiled their newest interior revamp at their Hornsby location.

Royals Hornsby’s new look brings it in line with the brand’s Cherrybrook and Castle Hill salons, with the Moroccan theme featuring strongly in their décor and interior design, with one unique difference.

Within the reception area, the Hornsby salon features a stunning and eye-catching artwork created by Sydney artist Jamie Preisz.

“Royals is not a franchise, however we wanted to include something different at Hornsby that appealed to our team and clients. We took their tastes into account when designing the salon, and Jamie’s artwork reflects this,” says Royals owner, Adam Alamine.

Royals Hornsby embraces less of the Moroccan features of the other salons, however visitors to Hornsby will still see the authentic lanterns and grills, imported from the Bazaars in Marrakech; a key feature of the Royals signature design.

Says Adam, “The overall feel of Hornsby is more urban, due to using more concrete as an interior highlight, which the other salons don’t have. Overall it still follows the same principles of unrefined beauty, which we love. We're not into refined clinical spaces and we wanted the space to be somewhere fun you'd want to hang out.”

The Royals Hornsby interior refresh follows on from a stellar year for the salon that has seen the opening of a 3rd salon space in Cherrybrook and the Royals Education Academy, and Finalist nominations and wins in both the 2016 Hair Expo and Australian Hair Fashion Awards.


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
22 Nov 2016

 Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez

 Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez  Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez

HAIR: Amparo Fernández & Jesús Vázquez - España
Collection: Back to school
Ph: Bokeh
Stylist: Carapuchiños


Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
22 Nov 2016


2017, heralds a new opportunity for hairdressers from all over the world to hone their skills and develop their creativity as the new Rush Academy opens in the heart of Covent Garden, London.

For over 20 years, Rush have pushed the boundaries of ingenuity, producing inspirational and ground-breaking award winning photographic collections backed up by producing creative techniques in cutting, colouring and styling hair.

The Rush Academy will share with attendees, their philosophy of strength and movement along with hosting an array of courses suitable for all, from fledgling hairdressers to the most innovative creative stylist or colour technician.

The team at the new academy will be led by the best in the business, Rush International Artistic Director, Andy Heasman, Rush International Colour Director, Chris Williams and Rush Editorial Director, Tina Farey. All three individuals are part of the extensive Rush Artistic Team who have developed and created each of the courses provided to all students attending the Rush Academy.

There’s something for everyone at the new academy, with a comprehensive programme ranging from one-day courses in cutting, colour and editorial work to a six-month beginners course and everything else in between.

The last word must go to Rush co-founders, Andy Phouli and Stell Andrew, “When we opened our first Rush salon, we dreamed of opening a training academy to share with other hairdressers our passion, ideas, inspiration and philosophy. Our dream has now become a reality and we are delighted to welcome hairdressers from around the world into the Rush Academy to provide them with the highest standards of hairdressing education available in a state of the art environment which encourages creativity.”

Author: GLOBElife
news n°
From gossip
22 Nov 2016
"Ogni tuo successo ti crea un nemico; per essere simpatico occorre essere mediocre."

Oscar Wilde

Author: GLOBElife


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