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"PURE TRILOGY" by ISargassi prende ispirazione dal taglio dei diamanti. Come il diamante la donna racchiude in se la forza la tenacità a subire urti continuando ad essere determinata ad affrontare la vita. Il taglio fa affiorare dai diamanti gemme scintillanti con mille luci e mille riflessi, i tagli i colori e le acconciature della nuova collezione "PURE TRILOGY" si adattano ad ogni tipo di donna perché sono stati studiati dal team del gruppo artistico ISargassi per far emergere la luce che ogni donna ha dentro di se.
Hair: I Sargassi Artistic Team - Roma, Italia
Collection: Pure Trilogy
Ph: ©autuori&carletti
Linee che lasciano libertà nei movimenti e tagli che valorizzano la nostra donna nella sua quotidianità: Per essere couture in ogni momento, anche in palestra. Le tecniche di taglio ricordano delle acconciature che vengono trasformate in tagli corti e leggeri, facili da portare e da modellare. Colori monocromatici o accenni di schiariture che con piccoli punti luce accentuano il movimento e la freschezza delle linee. La bellezza sta nell'unicità di una persona, nella sua totale diversità e particolarità. Volume, movimento, eleganza, brio, ironia permettono sia alla donna che all’uomo di dare quel tocco di grande personalità al proprio aspetto. Piacersi, per piacere…è l’essenza!
Hair: Go Coppola - Milano, Italia
Hair: Egidio Borri - Montevarchi (Arezzo), Italia
Collection: Spose 2015
Ph: Azzurra Piccardi
Make-up: Barbara Corso
Hair: Lisa Walby @ Francesco Group - UK
Ph: John Rawson
Make-up: Jo Sugar
Styling: Jared Green
Hair: Jose García Peluqueros - España
Collection: Colección Masculina
Ph: Aitor Esparza
Why We Love '80s Arcade Games. It’s not just our nostalgia that makes them incredible. Think about it: they are beautifully simple, and that simplicity makes them ultra-addictive. Half time you can’t even tell what your character is supposed to be! But it never mattered to us back them, and it doesn't matter now, because these are some of the most fun, easiest to “pick up and play” games ever created.
Hair: Mazella&Palmer Artistic Team – UK
Collection: Arcade
Ph: Elliot Morgan
Make-up: Irina Rudova
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- BEAUTY BAZAR on line: la Guida ai migliori prodotti e accessori professionali per parrucchieri. Ogni prodotto è corredato di foto e descrizione che ne spiega le caratteristiche e le modalità d'uso.
- TOP HAIRSTYLISTS: la Guida ai migliori Parrucchieri d'Italia è anche in versione on line per facilitarne la consultazione.
- myNEWS: la piattaforma social tematica dove leggere in tempo reale tutte le ultime notizie postate dalle aziende e dagli operatori del settore Hair.
- GOSSIP:Il giornale quotidiano on line con notizie, curiosità, novità-prodotto e articoli da tutto il mondo dell'hair-fashion.
- PRODUCT of EXCELLENCE: i 50 migliori marchi che ogni anno si distinguono nel mercato della moda-capelli per qualità, innovazione, servizi.
- HAIRcity.biz: La più grande città on line dello shopping. Passeggia lungo le strade della moda sulle quali i più grandi professionisti dell'hairstyle posizionano le loro vetrine.
Hair: Damien Carney - UK
Ph: Damien Carney Professionalwww.damiencarney.com
Make-up: Aeriel D'andrea Payne using MAC Cosmetics
Wardrobe: Rod Novoa www.rodnovoa.com
Salvatore Giaquinta e suo figlio vincono il titolo e il premio in denaro di 4 mila euro. Dal 2013 i due parrucchieri hanno aperto a Lima, in Perù, una scuola di taglio e colore autofinanziata per donne in situazione di povertà. La professione di Parrucchiera diventa occasione di miglioramento e svolta sociale.
Menzione speciale al progetto di Candice Wyatt Minter, la stilista SudAfricana che ha restaurato 200 code e 60 parrucche usate donandole alle donne che hanno perso i capelli in seguito a chemioterapia. Assieme ai toupè Candice lascia alle donne un messaggio forte: non rinunciate alla vostra bellezza.
Menzione speciale anche al progetto di Antonio Pavani, stilista di Moncalieri (Torino), che ha restaurato e portato a nuova vita il giardino accanto al suo salone coinvolgendo amici, parenti e clienti. L'area è divenuta luogo di aggregazione sociale per grandi e piccini.
Il progetto vince grazie al grande numero di "like" che ha ricevuto nel sito isustainbeauty.com. Anor Tukaeva, stilista russa, si è messa a capo di un gruppo di volontari che hanno costruito dighe, strade e contrafforti per salvare la bellissima chiesa di Krokhino.
Mikel Luzea is preparing the final touches for the 2nd Effervescene Show, as part of Salón Look Madrid 2015. On 25 October, Feria de Madrid will be hosting this training show to demonstrate the creativity and technical skill of Spain's most renowned hairdressing professionals, including Toni&Guy Spain, Pelsynera, Gonzalo and Ziortza Zarauza, not to mention Mikel Luzea himself.
Mikel Luzea ultima los preparativos del II Show Effervescene, en el marco de Salón Look Madrid 2015. Este show formativo, que tendrá lugar el 25 de octubre en Feria de Madrid, mostrará la creatividad y la técnica de reconocidas figuras de la peluquería española, como Toni&Guy España, Pelsynera, Gonzalo y Ziortza Zarauza, además del propio Mikel Luzea.
Hair: Raffel Pages - ES
Collection: Raffel Pages Kids
Inspired in the sea nymphs, it is about maximizing the woman's beauty through the hair as a femininity symbol. Each picture makes reference to a nymph, to the tales and legend's mermaids I always imagined. In the first one I have represented the guiding light for the seamen. The second is a grounding mermaid in a rock with hair loose as a femininity symbol. The thirds is side face and I inspired myself in the bow figureheads of the older ships. Three images unprovided of all the superfluous to make the face shine with own light. A touch of fantasy makeup runs each and every proposal evoking the sea reflections.
Hair: Ziortza Zarauza @ Centro Beta - España
Collection: Nereidas
Ph: Chus Terán
Make-up: Mónica Luis
Photo editing: Javi Villalabeitia
I wanted to create natural yet on-trend looks that clients ask for every day in the salon. With this collection I wanted to create beautiful hair images that every clients could relate to no matter what their hair length and colour.
Hair: Muse of London Art Team - UK
Collection: #SoNatural
Ph: Jenni Hare @ Jenni Hare Studio
Make-up: Sonia Deveney @ Represented by One Represents London
Stylist: Harriet Cotterill @ Represented by David Artists London
‘Classy Progressive’ is both daring and stylish: Sophisticated and playful. Personality and the natural fall of the hair form the starting point for each of the hairstyles. The used cutting techniques accentuate certain elements or, instead, draw the attention away from them. This results in a powerful interplay of different pastel colors: rose, green, and violet. Progressive pastels are combined with a classy basis. Classy Progressive means playing with color – extensive playing with color – in response to the question: “whom do I dare to be?”
Hair: Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team - NL
Collection: Classy Progressive
Ph: Hans Mooijer
Make-up: Dominika Swietlink
Styling: Gerline Hornsveld
Creative team: Kimm Koffijberg, Wendy van den Hoek,
Elaine van Sermond, and Daniek Vermeij
Hair: Stefano Conte - Monza, Italia
"In this occasion we've wanted to make a tribute to the birds that hosses a not insignificant loveliness for those who want to make of hairdressing a creative art. What better place to inspire ourselves than nature with its multiple tints in shapes, textures and colors. Our first AVENTUNOS image represents the Golden Eagle with its sharp look, being shredder only by survival, but unquiet by instinct."
Hair: Jose García Peluqueros - España
Collection: Aventunos
Ph: Aitor Esparza
Make-up: Isabel García
Models: Dana Agency
On Sunday 24 October at 4 pm, the show's Hair Look catwalk will set the stage for this innovative event, which attracts over a thousand professionals from all over the world every year.
His sources of inspiration are basically painting, film and literature, especially Latin American magical realism. As make-up artist, he has focused largely on fashion, which has led him to work in teams or as a team leader on a number of international catwalks, as well as working on a number of campaigns, fashion catalogues and fashion magazines.
Sally and Jamie's early careers began with the great master Trevor Sorbie. They won three “London Hairdresser of the Year” awards, three “Male Hairdresser of the Year” awards; as well as the Most Wanted Creative Director, Most Wanted Artist, Most Wanted Look of the Year awards, three Most Directional Look of the Year awards and the Most Wanted Creative Talent award from Creative HEAD.
Express, create and divulge. This line of thought has been the backbone of the X-PRESION philosophy since its inception as the first study dedicated exclusively to R&D&I in hairdressing. They follow creative freedom, purity and independence. A different outlook that has been accoladed with a number of prizes and rewarded with huge media attention, because what X-presion creates is like nothing else – it is entirely unique.
This London-based studio explores the intersection between the human body, fashion and technology. Kimatica is a network of artists and designers with the common mission of discovering new means of sharing ideas and creating unique experiences. Known internationally for their work Simulacrum: body-mapping shows that explore the relationship between interactive technology and the human body.
Hair: Damien Carney - UK
Ph: Damien Carney
Make-up: Aeriel D'andrea Payne using MAC Cosmetics
Wardrobe: Rod Novoa
"For this collection, I let my love of studying different cultures guide me, and it was the Gypsy culture that inspired me. From their origins in Northern India, to their migration to several countries around the globe between the 6th and 11th centuries, gypsies were labelled "the travellers", which then morphed into 'Roma', the title of this collection. Gypsies consider themselves free which is why they don't tie themselves to a territory or homeland nor are they bound to the one their ancestors migrated from. Today you will find them scattered around the globe but the majority of the population are found in Europe, America and the Middle East. To highlight the essence of this roaming lifestyle, it was important to encourage movement in the hair and a carefree approach to hair styling. I worked with the hair allowing it to be unrestricted and wind blown. The incorporation of the braids and strong textures captures an individualised, bohemian influence yet with a modern day twist of sophistication. Working with both shorter and longer styles, and showing off the strong lines and disconnections in the hair, was a freedom in itself."
Hair: Mary Alamine @ Royals Hair & Beauty - Australia
Collection: Roma
Ph: David Mannah
Make-up: Rachel Montgomery
Styling: Leticia Dare
Salon: Royals Hair & Beauty